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Site Map for Wittgenstein's Logic of Language and the history of philosophy

Getting hold of the difficulty deep down is what is difficult.... One doesn't put the question marks deep enough down. (Culture and Value p. 48, 62)

The background of all this writing is "logic of language" or, in other words, How is the distinction between sense and nonsense made when discussing philosophical problems?

Table of Contents

Wittgenstein's Logic of Language

The Elements of Wittgenstein's Logic of Language

Background, Examples and Statements

Time and Eternity

Philosophy of Psychology

Philosophy of Mathematics:

Philosophy of Science


In the History of Philosophy

Plato's Dialogs - Selections and Comments

Philosophy of Religion

Historical Asides

John Maynard Keynes' Biographical Essays

Further Topics in Logic of Language

Family Likeness - Criticism of Wittgenstein's Simile

Religion and Language games

Gestalt Shift

Moore's Paradox - Contradiction and Philosophy

'Meaning' = 'Explanation of meaning'

Are all Tautologies idle?

Remarks about Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

A Theory is not an Insight into Reality Itself

The Essence of What-is

Philosophy's Name

Organizing Principles

The meaning « Das höchste wäre zu begreifen, daß alles Faktische schon Theorie ist »

Starlight - Messages from the Past?

Apollo and Philosophy

The Christian Religion without Supernaturalism

Ancient Greek and Roman Historians

If everything speaks for, nothing against, the truth of a proposition

• "Metaphysics was not taught at Harvard ..."

Count Eberhard's Hawthorn - Showing versus Saying

Albert Schweitzer and Ludwig Wittgenstein as Christians, in some sense

The clockmaker of natural theology

In partibus fidelium

• "We may become angry and fall out with one another"

Greek Bread-Baking Bells

Meaning and Verification

Passeri ("sparrows")

Art and Philosophy

Pages with Multiple Topics

Socrates, The Master of Those who don't Know

What does it mean? and Is it true? Socrates and Wittgenstein

Polyphemus, the White King, and Protagoras

Philosophy's First Question

Remnants of Polyphemus

Wittgenstein. To Banish Metaphysics

The Author of the Tales

Tolstoy and Death

Can a goat understand man's thoughts, or a man the ways of God?

Philosophy begins in boredom

Philosophic Havers

Our Concepts before Learning Language

Remarks and Questions

Graybearded Presumption

• "Sometimes rats, sometimes worse"

Terms and the Soul

Terminist Logic of Language

Philosophical questions most varied

Philosophic Scribbling

Philosophy Epigones

Category Remarks

The Philosopher's Stone, the Bluebird of Philosophy

Socratic Queries

Humiliation and Humility

Is the answer to this question no?

Anything in General

Things in themselves

Logic and Rationality

As a Working Hypothesis

Undefined language (nonsense)


Wittgenstein's Philosophical Code

The Limits of Language

Philosophy and Lies

The Conclusion comes at the End of the Argument, not at its Beginning

Logic-Grammar Investigations

Philosophy old and older

Nets, Walls, Categories of Philosophy

Using Language to Control Emotions and Thought

The Augean Stable of Philosophy after 2500 years

Mankind after the Garden

Nonsense and Logic (Rhyme and Reason)

What Psychology's relation to Philosophy is not

Bertrand Russell in Alan Wood's The Passionate Skeptic

Socrates and flute-girls

Philosophical Doom

Ethics and Verification

Invisible objects - thrice told philosophy

Fool's gold and Philosophy

Strange Grammars

Philosophical Logic - Riddles and Answers | Puzzles and Solutions - Remarks and Responses

Measuring Belief | 'National Character'

Synonyms provoke Philosophical Insights

• "I am honestly disgusted with the other way of thinking"

Logic at Sea

Logic of Language Topics taken at Random

Philosophical Language Pitfalls

Circles are round, or not

Philosophy at School

Idea-matching versus Word-matching

The game is played. Ways of life are defined by rules

• "Ignored or Forgotten"

In Partibus Infidelium

More Old than New

Wolf and Duck | Pictures and Language-Meaning

Fox and Cat

Table of Contents for Philosophical Notes

There are sixty-two pages of notes. But these notes are uneven in quality. Some notes are not thought all the way through and need to be revised, others discarded.

Ideas too sometimes fall from the tree before they are ripe. (CV p. 27) Every worthwhile idea carries a lot of cheap ones in its train. (ib. p. 58)

These notes mostly supplement or continue the discussions found in the main pages of this site (which are listed above, at the top of this page in the Table of Contents. Some are also briefly described on the homepage).

62. Conceptual Limits | Forms of Expression - Topics on this Page

61. The Crucible of Doubt (Dostoyevsky) - Topics on this Page

60. Is there a science of time? - Topics on this Page

59. Philosophy in the Sleep-deprived Mind - Topics on this Page

58. Socrates - Care of the Soul - Topics on this Page

57. Is Reason not the Excellence most Proper to Man? - Topics on this Page

56. Reason in Ethics, Authority in Historiography - Topics on this Page

55. Topics in critical-historical theology - Outline of this Page

54. What Wittgenstein Did Not Banish - Topics on this Page

53. "I wish to be in all things reasonable" - Topics on this Page

52. Confusion, conceptual and real - Topics on this Page

51. Different Standards versus Different Definitions, Socrates, Practical Wisdom - Topics on this Page

50. Silencing Reason - Topics on this Page

49. Gifts from the Greeks - Topics on this Page

48. Grammatical Investigations - Topics on this Page

47. Freedom from Authority, Freedom from Dogma - Topics on this Page

46. Reverence for Truth - Topics on this Page

45. You need not lose these hours - Topics on this Page

44. The Indefiniteness of God - Topics on this Page

43. Defining 'Piety' - Topics on this Page

42. From a Provincial Monk to his Friend in the Capital - Topics on this Page

41. Colonialism, Albert Schweitzer, and Racism - Topics on this Page

40. In the beginning ... there was no plan - Topics on this Page

39. Each day grow older, and learn something new - Topics on this Page

38. Did Socrates define words or things? - Topics on this Page

37. The Basic Criticism of Wittgenstein's logic of language - Topics on this Page

36. Abstract Chessmen, Philosophical Jargon, Geometric Points - Topics on this Page

35. Three Conceptions of Philosophy - Topics on this Page

34. Socrates, Guilty in Law, Equity, Owls, Essence and Frogs - Topics on this Page

33. Virtue is Knowledge - 'I say I know, but I think I know something else' - Topics on this Page

32. Philosophy in contrast to Wittgenstein's Logic of Language - Topics on this Page

31. Wittgenstein versus Philosophy - Topics on this Page

Criticism of Schweitzer's view of Spinoza's ethics

30. Wittgenstein's Master Question - Topics on this Page

29. When is nonsense not nonsense? - Topics on this Page

28. Who are Wittgenstein's philosophers? - Topics on this Page

27. The Unexamined Life - Topics on this Page

26. Undefined in Philosophy and in Mathematics - Topics on this Page

25. Monstrous Gods - Topics on this Page

24. Goethe - Unity of Life and Thought - Topics on this Page

23. Is Time not Real? - Topics on this Page

22. Is There a Real Definition of Logic? - Topics on this Page

21. Philosophy begins in Wonder - Topics on this Page

20. Sign, Symbol, and Grammar - Earlier and Later Wittgenstein - Topics on this Page

19. The ethical God and the God of Nature - Topics on this Page

18. Philosophy and Wisdom - Topics on this Page

17. Metaphysicians let the words speak to them - Topics on this Page

16. What did Wittgenstein Want from Philosophy? - Topics on this Page

15. Is the Solar System Real? - Topics on this Page

14. Why Question Everything? - Topics on this Page

13. Russell's sense of the word 'grammar' - Topics on this Page

12. Socrates and Wittgenstein - Topics on this Page

11. Criticism of Meaning as Use - Topics on this Page

10. Philosophy and Death - Topics on this Page

9. Why Philosophy Cannot be Easy - Topics on this Page

8. Is it Possible to Doubt Everything? - Topics on this Page

7. How did Wittgenstein see himself? - Topics on this Page

6. Knowing and Saying - Topics on this Page

5. Ethics and Values - Topics on this Page

4. Why don't we speak of negative numerals? - Topics on this Page

3. Classification of Metaphysical Statements - Topics on this Page

2. Did Wittgenstein have a Philosophy of Language? - Topics on this Page

1. The Point of View of Grammar and Sense and Nonsense - Topics on this Page

I find that, reviewing these topics, there are many about the concept 'God', which is to say, in other words, about "the riddle of existence" (or, our life's meaning, or, our eternal questions without answers), which is surely the philosophical question above all, although in Wittgenstein's philosophy it is no question at all. What is there to say apropos (Wittgenstein's won't be the last word in philosophy)? "The question is there -- like our life is there" (On Certainty § 559). But without that picture -- because as an hypothesis the proposition 'The riddle exists' is nonsense -- life loses the depth that makes it human.

Site copyright © September 1998. Send Internet mail to Robert Wesley Angelo. Last updated: 4 October 2024 : 2024-10-04

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