Home | Angelillo Family History

Bristol Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Addresses for the family history of Ralph Angelo (Raffaele Angelillo, Raffaele Angelilli) and Eleanor (Becker) Angelo.

436 Lafayette St:
1900, Nicolo Angelilli, boarder, laborer, RR
1910, Angelo Morganti, boarder, dap coater, leather works
434 Lafayette St:
1910, Nickolas Angelo, 58, gate tender, RR
Maria [Martone] 50, wife
John, 16, trimmer, leather works
Anna, 15, drawer, worsted mill
Elizabeth, 10, at school
• SS Napolitan Prince from Naples, Arrived New York 23 July 1905,
To husband/father Nicola at 434 Lafiet St Bristol PA.
230 Washington St:
Mailing address of Mary Concetta Jacovone at the time of her death certificate (6 December 1968)
334 Washington St:
1918-1924, Ralph Angelo, merchant, grocery
Horace Iacovone, partner/boarder, merchant, grocery
Place where the funeral for Michael Angelo (Michele Angelillo) was held prior to his burial in Greenmount Cemetery, Philadelphia, on 7 October 1916. The informant for Michael's death certificate was his younger brother "Ralf Angelo" of 334 Washington St.
306 Jefferson Ave:
1 October 1920, Mrs Annie Morganti: applied for World War One Victory Medal of Giovanni Angelillo
506 Jefferson Ave:
19 October 1920, Death Certificate: Nicola Angelo
914 Jefferson Ave:
4 June 1924, Ross and Edith Hutchison; home of Eleanor Becker at time of her marriage
452 Logan St:
5 June 1917, Selective Service address of:
Angelo Morganti, marble worker + wife + 2 children
Giovanni Angelillo, laborer, unemployed
357 Dorrance St:
27 October 1912, RC Church of St Ann, marriage of Anna Angelillo to Angelo Morganti by Rev. Anthony Orlando.
Baptisms 1927 + 1928: Michael + Raphael N Angelilli,
Sponsors: Angelo + Elena Morganti
680 Radcliffe St:
Grundy (Margaret R Memorial) Library (Bristol Borough Public Library)
1025 Radcliffe St:
RC Church of St Mark. (In St Mark Cemetery, Croydon, are buried Nicola Angelillo and his wife Maria as well as Angelo Morganti and his wife Anna (née Angelillo)
Otter St:
Angelo Morganti made gravestones on Otter St
699 Beaver St:
5 June 1917, Bristol Borough Post Office, 19007
Selective Service Registration was conducted here
1007 Beaver St:
Home of Gabriel Jacovone and Elizabeth (née Angelillo) Jacovone at the time of Elizabeth's death (16 June 1965)

Tullytown Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

US Post Office, 237 Main St, Bristol 19007
Box 74, Tullytown
circa June 1931
Raffaele Angelillo's youngest sister, (Mrs) Elisabetta Jacovone, used this as the return address of her reply to an official letter from the War Department in Washington sent to her mother Maria (Maria had died in October 1930. US Census Population was 658 people in 1930)
Main Street
Place of death of Maria (née Martone) Angelillo Soave: Borough of Tullytown (1 October 1930). Residence of Alessandro Soave at time of death: Main Street, Tullytown (28 October 1943)
Pear Street
14th Census of the United States: 1920
Address of Raffaele Angelillo's grocery merchant partner Horace Iacovone's nearest relative, Vincenzo Iacovone (named in Horace's September 1918 Draft Registration card)

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/angelo/Bristol-Borough-Addresses.html
Last revised: 20 October 2022 : 2022-10-20 and 30 August 2018 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo

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