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The Marriage Documents of Raffaele Angelillo and Eleanor Becker,
Croydon, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, June 1924

Application for Marriage License

No. 124  Vol. 66

We, the undersigned, in accordance with the statements hereinafter contained, the facts set forth wherein we and each of us do solemnly swear are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, do hereby make application to the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, for a license to marry.
  [Signed] Raffaele Angelilli
  [Signed] Eleanor Becker


Full name and surname, Raffaele Angelilli
Relationship of parties making application, if any, either by blood or marriage, no
Color, White  Occupation, Storekeeper  Birthplace, Italy
Residence, 334 Washington Ave, Bristol Pa  Age, 35 years. Previous marriage or marriages, none
Date of death or divorce of former wife or wives, none
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease? no
Name and surname of father, Nicola Angelilli
Name and surname of mother, Marie Angelilli
Maiden name of mother, Marie Martone  Residence of father, dead
Residence of mother, Tullytown Pa  Color of father, White  Color of mother, White
Occupation of father, dead  Occupation of mother, Housekeeper
Birthplace of father, Italy  Birthplace of mother, Italy
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind or under guardianship of a person of unsound mind, or under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug? no
Has applicant within five years been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons? no
Is applicant physically able to support a family? yes

Signature of Applicant Raffaele Angelilli


Full name and surname, Eleanor Becker
Relationship of parties making application, if any, either by blood or marriage, no
Color, White  Occupation, Clerk  Birthplace, Scotland
Residence, 914 Jefferson Ave, Bristol  Age, 21 years. Previous marriage or marriages, none
Date of death or divorce of former husband or husbands, none
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease? no
Name and surname of father, [blank]
Name and surname of mother, [blank]
Maiden name of mother, Residence of father, Dead
Residence of mother, Color of father, White  Color of mother, White 
Occupation of father, [blank]  Occupation of mother, [blank]
Birthplace of father, Scotland  Birthplace of mother, [blank]
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind or under guardianship of a person of unsound mind, or under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug? no

Signature of Applicant Eleanor Becker

Sworn and subscribed before me this 4th day of June A.D. 1924

[Signed] John W. Walmsley
         Justice of the Peace

Marriage License

No. 124  Vol. 66

To any Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace or other Officers or Persons authorized by Law to Solemnize Marriage:
     You are hereby authorized to join together in the holy state of Matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your church, society or religious denomination and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Raffaele Angelilli 35 yrs. of age
Consent of [blank] filed. never married
time [blank] marriage dissolved by [blank]


Eleanor Becker 21 yrs. of age
Consent of [blank] filed. never married
time [blank] marriage dissolved by [blank]
  Given under my hand and seal of the Orphans' Court of said County of Bucks, at Doylestown, this 4th day of June A.D. 1924
  [Signed] James I. Keyser Dp. Clerk

Duplicate Certificate

No. 124  Vol. 66

I, John W. Walmsley hereby certify, that on the 4th day of June one thousand nine hundred and 24, at Croydon Pa, Raffaele Angelilli and Eleanor Becker were by me united in marriage, in accordance with license issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, numbered 124 Vol. 66.
  [Signed] John W. Walmsley
           Justice of the Peace
  When returned, June 10th 1924

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/angelo/license.html
Last revised: 24 February 2007 : 2007-02-24 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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