Home | Schlectweg and Becker Family History
St James Evangelical Lutheran Church
According to the Parish Registries of both St James and St Jacobus German Lutheran Church, William Andrew Becker and Anne Elizabeth Schlectweg were married on 22 February 1885. But in which church did the ceremony take place? And why is the marriage recorded in the registries of two different parishes?
- No.
- Datum = Date
- Name = Name
- Stand = Position (profession, trade)
- Geburtsort = Place of Birth
- Alter = Age
- Zeugen = Witnesses
The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/schlectweg/becker-schlectweg-marriage-st-James-1885.html
Last revised: 27 July 2019 : 2019-07-27 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.
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