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Death certificate for Maria (née Martone) (Angelillo) Soave, 1 October 1930

Maria (née Martone) (Angelillo) Soave was born in Sant'Angelo d'Alife, Campania, Italy, in 1860, and died in Tullytown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She was married first to Nicola Angelillo (1853-1920), and then after Nicola's death to Alessandro Soave (1858-1943).

That this is the death certificate for Maria Martone is confirmed by her parents' names on the certificate: Biagio Martone and Raffaela Rinaldi.

Death certificate for Maria (née Martone) (Angelillo) Soave, 1930, 118 KB

Alessandro Soave is buried in Pennsylvania, in St. Marks Cemetery, Bristol. He shares his gravestone with Maria (1860-1930) and Maria's daughter from her first marriage, Anna Morganti (1894-1935).

From Alessandro Soave's Death Certificate

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
File No. 97529
Registered No. 64

Usual residence of deceased: Main Street, Borough of Tullytown, Bucks County (no Street No.)
Date of death: 28 October 1943
Name: Alexander Soave
Name of wife: Maria Angelillo (deceased)
He and his parents Birthplace: Italy
Parents Domenico Soave and Joanna Palumbo

"Allesandro Suave", head of household, and his wife "Mary Suave" were counted in the 1930 U.S. Federal Census for Tullytown, Pennsylvania. The census says that Alessandro came to America in 1888. The date of the census was 1 April 1930.

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/angelo/maria-martone-angelillo-soave-death-certificate.html
Last revised: 5 September 2020 : 2020-09-05 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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