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The Ancestors of Raffaele Angelillo - Italian Civil Register Records - the Surname ANGELILLO

Sant'Angelo d'Alife on the map of Italy, 2 KB
Sant'Angelo d'Alife is a village in central southern Italy, about 35 miles north of Naples.

Notes: The ancestors of Raffaele ANGELILLO of Sant'Angelo d'Alife (1888-1965) are arranged from most distant to most recent.  An asterisk (*) indicates a direct-line ascendant of Raffaele's.

  b. = Birth
  d. = Death
See the Italian-English Family History Glossary for definitions of the Italian words and expressions used in this page.

The ANGELILLO Ancestors of
Raffaele Angelillo

Unless otherwise noted, all events at Sant'Angelo d'Alife, Region of Campania, Italy.
(Raffaele Angelillo's Family Tree | Italian-English Glossary)


Death: before his son Domenico (21 NOV 1806), at Santangelo Raviscanina, Terra di Lavoro.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1809 #10]

- HIS CHILD (1 known) -

* Domenico ANGELILLO
b. 1745
d. 21 NOV 1806
- married - Anna Maria di BLUNDO
d. 27 OCT 1799

* ANGELILLO Domenico

Birth: 1745 [1806-61]

Death: Anno Dmi millesimo octingentesimo sexto, die vero vigesima prima Mensis Novembris [21 NOV 1806]. Dominicus ANGELILLO filius qm. Antonii [son del fu Antonio], viduus qm. [widower of] Anna Maria di BLUNDO, otatis suo annorum sexaginta, et unius [age 61].

[SIGNED] Franciscus MARTONE Archip. et curatus, Ecclesia S. Mario Vallis hujus Terra S. Angeli Rupiscanina

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1847 #10, fol. 71; also Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1830 #6, fol. 42]

Death: 21 NOV 1806, son del qm. Antonio, and vedovo della qm. Anna Maria de BLUNDO.

[SIGNED] Francesco Arcip.e MARTONE

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1809 #10]

- THEIR CHILDREN (2 known) -

b. 1771
d. 4 OCT 1823
- married - Catarina FIORILLO
b. 1783
[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1847 #10, fol. 69]


Death: 4 OCT 1823 at 15 hrs, age 52, contadino, son of Domenico, contadino, and Anna Maria di BLUNDO; husband di Catarina FIORILLO.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1847 #10, fol. 70, Copy of Morti 1823 #63]

* ANGELILLO Nicola - married - Rosa MAJELLO

b. 30 JUL 1776
d. 15 DEC 1852
28 OCT 1809, Casa Municipale, Sant'Angelo d'Alife
b. 3 MAR 1791
d. after Nicola


Birth: 30 JUL 1776 to Domenico, and Anna Maria de BLUNDO.

Baptized: 31 JUL 1776.

[SIGNED] Francesco MARTONE Arcip.e Parr.e of the Matrice, e Parrocchiale Chiesa di S. Maria della Valle.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1809 #10]

Marriage: 28 OCT 1809 at 16 hrs in the Casa Municipale of the Uni[versi]tà di S. Angelo, Prov. di Lavoro, Distretto di Capua, Quartiere della Cupa:
  Nicola ANGELILLO, 33, campagnolo, born and domiciled in S. Angelo, son del fu Domenico, and Anna di BLUNDO, campagnoli, both domiciled [in vita] in S. Angelo;
  Rosa MAJELLO, 18, minore, campagnola, born and domiciled in S. Angelo, daughter di Sebastiano, and Maria GIULIANO, campagnoli, both domiciled in S. Angelo.

Banns: 8 OCT 1809 and 15 OCT 1809.

In the name of the law we [i.e. the representative of civil authority, the sindaco] have declared and pronounced the above named ... are united in marriage. (In nome della Legge abbiamo dichiarato, e pronunciato, gli soprascritti ... sono uniti in matrimonio)

[SIGNED] Gius. de CESARE, Sind.o
Giustin. PECE Can[celliere].
  and by the witnesses (testimoni):
Felice CONTENTO, 36, fondichiere,
Domenico di RENZO, 62, proprietario,
Simone di FRANCO, 43, proprietario,
Giovanni LANDI, 33, proprietario, all domiciled in S. Angelo.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1809 #10]

Death: 15 DEC 1852 at 13 hrs, age 76, proprietario, born in Santangiolo; figlio di Domenico, proprietario, defunto; marito di Rosa MAJELLO.
  Reporters of the death (dichiaranti): Giuseppe FERRAZZANO, 32, contadino, and Giovanni CONCA, 50, contadino.

[SIGNED] Leopoldo PECE, Sindaco
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1852 #85]

- THEIR CHILDREN (4 known) -

* ANGELILLO Domenico Antonio - married - Margarita Pasqua MARTINO

b. 24 MAY 1815
d. 2 SEP 1844
- married -
8 MAR 1843
Michele MARINO


Birth: 24 MAY 1815 at 12 hours to Nicola, 35, massaro di campo, domiciled in Santangelo, vico la Cupa, and Rosa MAJELLO.
  Presented 24 MAY 1815 at 15 hrs.
  Witnesses: Pietro FRANCIONE, 35, contadino, vico la Cupa, and Antonio CICERCHIA, 23, contadino, vico ivi.

Baptized: 24 MAY 1815.

[SIGNED] Angelo GIRARDI, (Secondo Eletto)

(Copy of Nascite 1815 #43 made by Giovanni CUNTI for the processetti)

Marriage: 8 MAR 1843: Anna Maria ANGELILLO, 27, contadina, figlia di Nicola, massaro di campo, and Rosa MAJELLO, contadina;
  Michele Arcangelo MARINO, 32, born in Santangelo, massaro di campo, figlio del fu Filippo (figlio di Pascale), massaro di campo, and Angiola MANERA, contadina.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1843 #13]

Death: 2 SEP 1844 at 9 hrs, age 26, proprietaria, born in Santangiolo, figlia di Nicola, see below, and Rosa MAJELLO, domiciled with her husband; wife of Michele MARINO.
  Death reported by: Nicola ANGELILLO, father of the deceased, 67, massaro di campo, vico Cupa, and Michele MARINO, husband of the deceased, 32, massaro di campo, vico nuovo.

[SIGNED] Giustiniano PECE, (Sindaco)
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1844 #39]


Birth: May 1818

Death: 1 SEP 1818 at 23 hrs in his father's house (nella casa paterna), Comune di S. Angiolo, Provincia di Terra di Lavoro, age 4 months, contadino, figlio di Nicola, and Rosa MAJELLO.
  Witnesses: Francesco GILARDI, 42, contadino, and Gabriele MANCINO, 56, barbiere.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1818 #18]

b. 7 JUN 1823
d. 8 SEP 1903
- married - G.. SIMONELLI


Birth: 7 JUN 1823 at 24 hrs in the Comune of Santangiolo, to Nicola ANGIOLILLO, 46, massaro di campo, vico Cupa, and Rosa MAJELLO, 32.

[SIGNED] Giuseppe GIRARDI, Sindaco

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1823 #43]

Death: Maria Teresa ANGELILLO, 8 SEP 1903 at 1:30 PM at via Corvini #41, age 80, contadina, daughter da fu Nicola, and da fu Rosa MAIELLO; wife di G.. SIMONELLI.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1903 #34]

* Domenico Antonio ANGELILLO
b. 9 SEP 1810
d. before 21 JUL 1877
16 MAR 1839 at Chiesa di Santa Maria della Valle
Margarita Pasqua MARTINO
b. 24 MAR 1815
d. 9 AUG 1879

* ANGELILLO Domenico Antonio

Birth: 9 September 1810 at 9 hrs to Nicola, 32, contadino, domiciled in the Cupa Quarter (domiciliato al quartiere della Cupa), and Rosa MAJELLO.
  Presented by his father at the Casa Comunale on 9 September 1810 at 20 hrs.
  Witnesses: Giovanni PARROTTA, 60, contadino, domiciled in the Cupa Quarter, and Pietro FRANZIONE, 28, contadino, domiciled in said quarter (in detto quartiere).

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1839 #9, fol. 57,
Copy of Nascite 1810 #56 (not available, perhaps no longer extant)]

Marriage: 16 MAR 1839 to Margarita Pasqua MARTINO, at the Chiesa Parrocchiale di Santa Maria della Valle, S. Angelo.
  Witnesses: Sacerdote Insignato D[on] Felice RICCIARDI, and Sagrestano Pascale FERRAZANO.

[SIGNED] Vincenzo Arciprete FERRAZANI

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Processetti 1839 #9]

Atto della solenne promessa di celebrare il matrimonio 14 MAR 1839 at 23 hrs in the Casa Comunale, Comune di Santangiolo, Distretto di Piedimonte, Provincia di Terra di Lavoro: Domenico Antonio ANGELILLO, maggiore [d'età], 28, contadino, born and domiciled in Santangiolo, figlio di Nicola, contadino, and Rosa MAJELLO, contadino, both domiciled in Santangiolo; Margarita Pasqua MARTINO, maggiore, 23, contadina, born and domiciled in Santangiolo, figlia di Silvestro MARTINO, contadino, and Carmina GIARDULLO, contadina, both domiciled in Santangiolo.
  Notice of this promessa was affixed to the door of the Casa Comunale of Santangiolo on Sunday 24 FEB 1839.

[SIGNED] Marino RICCIARDI, (Sindaco)
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere
  Witnesses: Michele MACIOCIO, 32, proprietario
Paolino POCINO, 29, contadino
Luigi BARLETTA, 30, calzolajo
Gustavo d'AMBROGIO, 40, calzolajo
Paolione POCINO testimonio
Marino RICCIARDI, (Sindaco)
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

... si è da Noi firmato, e da due testimonj, non dei sposi nè dei genitori degli sposi, e nè degli altri due testimonj per non sapere scrivere.

Indicazione della seguita celebrazione canonica del matrimonio: 16 MAR 1839. Il Parroco di Santa Maria della Valle ha certificato che la celebrazione del matrimonio è seguita nel giorno sedici del mese di Marzo anno come sopra alla presenza de' testimonj Don Felice RICCIARDI, e Pasquale FERRAZZANO.

[SIGNED] Marino RICCIARDI, (Sindaco)
  Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Matrimoni 1839 #9]

Death: before his son Giuseppe's marriage banns (21 JUL 1877).

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Matrimoni 1879 #14; death not found in Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1860-1879]

- THEIR CHILDREN (10 known) -


Birth: 11 AUG 1840.

Death: 7 SEP 1840 at 7 hours after nightfall (alle ore 7 di notte) in his father's house, age 27 days, born in Santangiolo, infante, figlio di Domenico, see below (come sopra in the document itself), and Margarita MARTINO, domiciled in Santangiolo.
  Death reported by: Domenico ANGELILLO, father of the deceased, 29, contadino, domiciled in Santangiolo, vico Cupa, and Duodato CICENBIA, neighbor (vicino) of the deceased, contadino, vico Cupa.

[SIGNED] Giustiniano PECE, (Sindaco)
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1840 #55]


Birth: 13 JAN 1842.

Death: 22 JAN 1842 at 22 hrs in his father's house, age 9 days, born in Santangiolo, infante, figlio di Domenico [see below], and Margarita MARTINO, domiciled with her husband.
  Death reported by: Domenico ANGELILLO, father of the deceased, 31, contadino, vico Fontana, and Antonio POCINO, neighbor of the deceased, 60, contadino, vico Fontana.

[SIGNED] Giovanni RICCIARDI, (Secondo Eletto) Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1842 #4]

ANGELILLO Maria Luigia

Birth: JAN 1843.

Death: 26 APR 1843 at 3 hours after nightfall (alle ore 3 di notte), age 4 months, born in Santangiolo, infante, figlia di Domenico, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO.
  Death reported by: Domenico ANGELILLO, father of the deceased, 30, contadino, vico Nuovo, and Paolo Pezzullo, acquaintance of the deceased (conoscente la defunta), 56, contadino, vico Nuovo.

[SIGNED] Giustiniano PECE, (Sindaco)
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1843 #19]


Birth: NOV 1846.

Death: 16 NOV 1846 at 22 hrs, age 7 days, figlia di Domenico, 32, contadino, vico Nuca, and Margarita MARTINO.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1846 #65]

b. circa 1844
- marriage banns 1877 - MARINO Angiola
b. circa 1846


Marriage banns: 21 JUL 1877 at 8:50 A.M. in the Casa comunale of Santangelo d'Alife:
  ANGELILLO Giuseppe, 33, contadino, born and resident in Santangelo d'Alife, figlio di fu Domenico, contadino, resident in life of this Comune and of MARTINO Margarita, contadina, resident in the Comune;
  e pure comparsa MARINO Angiola, 31, contadina, born and resident in Santangelo d'Alife, figlia di fu Michele, massaro di campo, resident in life of this Comune, figlia di Di MUNNO Raffaela, contadina, resident of this Comune.

Banns:: 22 JUL 1877 and 29 JUL 1877. The following documents were presented to the official of the civil register, 19 JUL of the current month: copy of the atto di morte [*] of CAPORUSSO Angela Rosa, gia wife of ANGELILLO Giuseppe, relasciata anche dal sottoscritto con pari data; copy of the atto di morte, of CUNTI Giovanni, gia husband of MARINO Angiola, who died 24 JUL 1876.

[* CAPORUSSO Angela Rosa, d. 29 APR 1877 at 3:20 A.M., 36, contadina, born and resident in Sant'Angelo d'Alife, da Michelangelo, contadino, and dalla fu SIMONELLI Angela, contadina, domiciled in this Commune, wife of ANGELILLO Giuseppe. [Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Atti di morte 1877 #22]]

Testimoni: RICCIARDI Luigi, 61, possidente, and SANTANGELO Andrea, 51, usciere.

(Cavalier) Felice STOCCHETTI, (Sindaco)

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Pubblicazioni di Matrimonio 1877 #19]

ANGELILLO Gioacchino

Birth: 5 DEC 1847 at 18 hrs, to Domenico, 36, contadino, vico Fontana, and Margarita MARTINO, 32.
  Witnesses: Gioacchino di BLUNDO, 30, contadino, vico Cervino, and Giuseppe di MUCCIO, 29, contadino, vico Fontana.

Baptized: Santa Maria della Valle.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1847 #67]


Birth: 31 OCT 1850 at 5 hrs, to Domenico, 50, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO, 30.
  Witnesses: Giuseppe GIARDULLO, 70, contadino, and Raffaele GIARDULLO, 33, contadino.

Baptized: Santa Maria della Valle.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1850 #70]

Death: 11 OCT 1854 at 12 hrs, age 4, figlio di Domenico, 44, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1854 #52]

* ANGELILLO Nicola - married - Maria Michela MARTONE


Birth: 10 JAN 1856 at 24 hrs, to Domenico ANGELILLO, [figlio] di Nicola, 36, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO, 41.
  Witnesses: Giuseppe GIARDULLO, contadino, and Francesco MARTINO, contadino.

Baptized: Santa Maria della Valle.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1856 #6]

Death: 26 SEP 1857 at 9 hrs, age 2, figlio di Domenico, 40, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1857 #65]

ANGELILLO Giralemo Michele

Birth: 21 JUL 1860 at 20 hrs, to Domenico ANGELILLO, [figlio] di Nicola, 38, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO, 36.
  Witnesses: Giuseppe GIARDULLO, contadino, and Sisto ANDREOTTI, proprietario.

Baptized: Santa Maria della Valle.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1860 #61]

Note on the identification of the above Domenico Antonio ANGELILLO and Margarita MARTINO as the parents of the following Nicola ANGELILLO

According to the birth record of Nicola, his mother was 29, his father 32 years old. However:

If so, then Margarita MARTINO was born circa 1823 or 1824; but no one of that name is found in Sant'Angelo d'Alife's Nascite 1816-1833.

And if so, then Domenico Antonio ANGELILLO was born circa 1820 or 1821. There was a Domenico Antonio ANGELILLO born 3 MAY 1822 [Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite #23] to Antonio ANGELILLO, 48, contadino, vico Rave, and Maria RUSSO, 38, and baptized at the Chiesa di Santo Nicola; but he is not found in Processetti 1835-1850, 1852 (There are no records for 1851 for Sant'Angelo d'Alife).

It may be possible to rule out that Domenico Antonio through his death record or through the processetti of Nicola ANGELILLO's 1879 marriage, if those documents exist, or through the Church of Santa Maria della Valle's records. No other Domenico Antonio ANGELILLO is found in Nascite 1816-1833.

If the identification made here is correct, then in the record below Nicola's parents' ages should be corrected to Domenico: 43, and Margarita: 38.
  It may be noted that the records for the 9 children listed here would set the father's year of birth variously at 1811, 1811, 1813, 1814, 1811, 1800, 1800, 1813, 1822, and 1821.

b. 23 FEB 1853
d. 19 OCT 1920
24 APR 1879, Casa Comunale, Sant'Angelo d'Alife
Maria Michela MARTONE
b. 8 MAY 1860
d. 1 OCT 1930


Birth: 23 FEB 1853 at 4 hours after nightfall (alle ore 4 delle notte), to Domenico, 32, contadino, and Margarita MARTINO, 29, contadina.
  Presented: 24 FEB 1853 at 17 hrs by his father to Leopoldo PECE, Sindaco ed ufiziale dello Stato Civile del comune di Santangiolo, distretto di Piedimonte, provincia di Terra di Lavoro, a male child as visually verified by the official of Civil Registration (un fanciullo di sesso maschile secondochè abbiamo ocularmente riconosciuto).
  Witnesses: Francesco MARTINO, 30, contadino, and Giuseppe di MARINO, 32, contadino.

Baptism (Indicazione): 24 FEB 1853 at the Parish of Santa Maria [della Valle].

[SIGNED] Leopoldo PECE, Sindaco
Giovanni CUNTI, Cancelliere

[MARGIN] Nicola ANGELILLO was married to Maria Michela MARTONE on 24 April 1879 by the official of Civil Registration of Sant'Angelo d'Alife (A 24 aprile 1879 l'uf.e dello stato civ.e di S. Angelo d'Alife sposò Nicola ANGELILLO con Maria Michela MARTONE. Caserta 11 Settembre 1879)

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1853 #16 of 81]

Marriage: 24 APR 1879 at 11:40 AM at the Casa comunale of Santangelo d'Alife, open to the public (aperta al pubblico), by Cavalier Felice STOCCHETTI, sindaco:
  Nicola ANGELILLO, 26, contadino, born in Santangelo d'Alife, son di fu Domenico, resident in life herein (residente in vita quivi), and di Margarita MARTINO, resident in this comune (residente in questo comune);
  Maria Michela MARTONE, 19, contadina, born in Santangelo d'Alife, daughter di fu Biagio, resident in life herein, and di Raffaela RINALDI, resident in this comune.
  Witnesses: Luigi RICCIARDI, 63, possidente, and Giuseppe MELENCHI, 23, possidente.

Banns: 6 APR 1879 and 13 APR 1879. The mother of the bride gave her formal consent to her daughter's marriage (Al suddetto matrimonio ha prestato il consenso la madre della sposa soltanto, non avendo potuto prestare il padre di questa, come risulta ed è spiegato dall'atto di richiesta delle pubblicazioni [not available]).

This document was signed by the groom, the witnesses, and by the official of Civil Registration, but not by the bride, she being unable to write (Letto il presente atto agl'intervenuti, si è sottoscritto dallo sposo, dai testimoni e da me, non della sposa perché illetterata).


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Matrimoni 1879 #14]

Second Marriage of Maria Martone: after the death of her husband Nicola Angelillo, Maria Martone appears to have married a man named Alessandro Soave (1858-1943). Sources: Maria Martone's death certificate, 1930 U.S. Federal Census, and gravestone in Saint Mark's Cemetery, Bristol Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

U.S. Immigration: 1892 or 1894

[Source: 1900 and 1910 U.S. Censuses for Bristol Borough, PA]

Death: 19 OCT 1920, Nicola ANGELILLO, age 68, husband of Maria MARTONE.
  Buried: 21 OCT 1921 in the Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Mark, Bristol Borough, Bucks County, PA.

[Source:: Death Register of the Roman Catholic Italian Parish Church of Saint Ann, 357 Dorrance St, Bristol Borough, Bucks County, PA 19007]

Death: 19 OCT 1920 at 1 AM at 506 Jefferson Ave, Bristol Borough, Bucks County, PA; name: Nicola ANGELO; male; white; married; age 56; occupation: labor; birthplace: Italy; name of father: Domenico ANGELO, birthplace: Italy; name of mother: Margaretta MARTINO, birthplace: Italy; informant: L. GALZERANO, address: Bristol Pa.
  I hereby certify, that I attended deceased from 12 OCT 1920 to 19 OCT 1920, that I last saw him alive on 18 OCT 1920, and that death occurred on the date stated above at 1 AM.  The CAUSE OF DEATH: acute cardiac dilatation; Contributory ("secondary"): bronchus pneumonia, duration 5 days. Signed: J Fred WAGNER MD, 19 OCT 1920; address: Bristol Pa.

Place of Burial: St Marks Cmty; date of burial 21 OCT 1920. Undertaker: Joseph F. M. BALDI.

[Source: Certificate of Death, State of Pennsylvania. (According to the 1930 Federal Census (E.D. 9-12, Sheet 3A), Luigi Galzerano was an undertaker living at 335 Jefferson Avenue in Bristol Borough (born in Italy; year of immigration: 1908, naturalized citizen). The funeral director in Angelo Morganti's Death Certificate is named Louis A. Galzerano, Bristol)]

- THEIR CHILDREN (6 known) -

ANGELILLO Margherita Giustina

Birth: 23 FEB 1880 at 11:50 AM at via Fontana #64, to Nicola, 26, contadino, and his wife Maria Michela MARTONE, contadina, who lives with him (seco lui convivente).
  Presented: 25 FEB 1880 at 10:20 AM at the Casa comunale of Santangelo d'Alife by his father to Cavalier Felice STOCCHETTI, sindaco.
  Witnesses: Giovanni FARINA, 50, falegname, and Simone RUSSO, 26, contadino.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1880 #14]

Death: Margarita ANGELILLO, 26 SEP 1880 at 7:50 AM at via Fontana #64, age 7 months, fanciulla, daughter of Nicola, contadino, and Maria Michela MARTONE, contadina.
  Death reported to Cavalier Felice STOCCHETTI, sindaco, 26 SEP 1880 at 11:30 AM by Gioacchino RUSSO, 68, contadino, and Antonio RUSSO, 27, contadino.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1880 #80]

ANGELILLO Michele Pasquale

Birth: 23 JUL 1881 at 5:15 AM via Fontana #64, to Nicola, 28, contadino, and Maria Michela MARTONE, contadina. Presented: 26 JUL 1881 at 9:40 AM at the Casa comunale by his father to Luigi ANDREOTTI, assessore anziano.
  Witnesses: Giovanni FARINA, 50, falegname, and Antonio GIARDULLO, 56, contadino.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1881 #61]

[Note: the above is the only record found in the Civil Register of Sant'Angelo d'Alife 1881-1910 for Michele Pasquale ANGELILLO. In the 1910 U.S. Federal Census, his mother Maria is stated to be the mother of five living children, among whom will have been Michele.]

Death: 3 OCT 1916. 28 JUL 1917 at 11:15 AM nella Casa comunale di Santangelo d'Alife before STOCCHETTI Ferdinando sindaco ... è composta MARTONE Maria, maritata ANGELILLO, donna di casa, age 56, resident in Sant'Angelo d'Alife, la quale mi ha presentato il certificato di morte di ANGELILLO Michele di Nicola, rilasciato all'estero ... che è del tenore seguente --

"Certificato di Morte -- Chiesa Italiana di Sant'Anna Bristol Pa venticinque maggio millenovecentodiciasette [25 MAY 1917] -- Nel registro dei morti di questa Parrocchia rilevo che Michele ANGELILLO figlio di Nicola e di Maria MARTONE, nato a Santangelo d'Alife, provincia di Caserta mori il giorno tre ottobre millenovecentosedici [3 OCT 1916], fu sepolto nel Cimitero di Greao Mornet in Philadelphia Pa Fo Fede ecc = Rev Isidoro JENNE O.SS.T. Parroco della Chiesa Italiana, Bristol" = Segnano i visti di legalizzazione

Testimoni: PISATURO Antonio, 32, Messo Comunale, and MELENCHI Orazio, 58, possidente, both resident in Sant'Angelo d'Alife.

[SIGNED] by the testimoni and the sindaco, non della richiedente MARTONE per aver dichiarato essere illiterata.

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Atti di morte 1917, Parte 2, Serie C, #11 (trascrizione per estero)]

Death: 3 OCT 1916 at Bristol Borough, Bucks County, No. 334 Washington Street. Full name: Michael Angelo. Male, white, married *. Date of birth: 3 MAY 1881. Age: 35. Occupation: weaver. Birthplace: Italy. Father: Nicolo Angelo. Mother: Mary Manton. Both parents born in Italy. Informant: Ralf Angelo, 334 Washington St., Bristol. Place of burial: Greenmount Cemetery [the Italian Civil Register's Cimitero di Greao Mornet], Philadelphia. Cause of death: Diabetic coma; Contributory (Secondary): Diabetes; duration: 3 years. Signed: J Fred WAGNER MD, Bristol on 4 OCT 1916. Date of burial: 7 OCT 1916. Undertaker: William Madden, 340 Dorrance [?], Bristol.

Death Notice: * married: "Michael Angelello" to "Margaret (née King) Angelello". Funeral: Saturday, 8:30 A.M. at 334 Washington Ave. Interment at Greenmount Cemetery, where Michele's widow Margaret Angelo was to be buried by his side in 1946. [Margaret King in the 1880 United States Census and Margaret Angelo in the 1920 U.S. Federal Census.]

[Source: Certificate of Death for Michael Angelo, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, File no. 102155. The Philadelphia Press (later The Public Ledger), Friday, 6 OCT 1916, p. 4, death notice. Certificate of Death for Margaret Angelo, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, File no. 89774, Registered no. 21162.]

* ANGELILLO Raffaele - married - Eleanor Mabel BECKER

ANGELILLO Alfonso / stillborn (nato morto)

Birth: 15 APR 1890 at 6:20 AM at via Piazza #19, to Nicola, 36, bracciale, and Maria MARTONE, contadina.
  Presented: 15 APR 1890 at 11:40 AM at the Casa comunale of Santangelo d'Alife by his father to Giuseppe MELECHI, segretario delegato, who recognized that the child was dead (un bambino ... a cui da il nome di Alfonso, e che io riconosco essere senza vita).
  Witnesses: Gioacchino RUSSO, 66, bracciale, and Raffaele LOMBARDI, 50, bracciale.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1890 #19]

ANGELILLO Margherita

Birth: 13 MAY 1891 at 4:30 PM at via Piazza #19, to Nicola, 38, bracciale, and Maria MARTONE.
  Presented: 15 MAY 1891 at 8:50 AM at the Casa comunale by her father to Giuseppe MELENCHI, segretario delegato.
  Witnesses: Raffaele LOMBARDI, 52, bracciale, and Simone RUSSO, 48, bracciale.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1891 #27]

Death: Margarita ANGELILLO, 22 MAY 1891 at 7:30 AM at via Piazza #19, age 10 days, fanciulla, daughter of Nicola, bracciale, and Maria MARTONE, contadina.
  Death reported to Giuseppe MELENCHI, segretario delegato, 22 MAY 1891 at 10:40 AM by Domenico GRECO, 31, becchino, and Francesco GRECO, 29, becchino.
  Witnesses: Simone RUSSO, 46, bracciale, and Raffaele LOMBARDI, 52, bracciale.


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Morti 1891 #17]


Birth: 3 MAY 1893 at 4:30 AM at via Piazza #19, to Nicola, 40, bracciale, and his wife Maria MARTONE, contadina, who lives with him (seco lui convivente).
  Presented: 5 MAY 1893 at 10:30 AM at the Casa comunale of Santangelo d'Alife by his father to Luigi de RISI, assessore anziano.
  Witnesses: Raffaele LOMBARDI, 60, bracciale, and Domenico SANSONE, 49, bracciale.

Luigi de RISI

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1893 #25]

Immigration: Sailed from Naples on 4 JUL 1905 and landed in New York 23 JUL 1905 aboard the SS Napolitan Prince with his mother Maria MARTONE and his sisters Anna and Elisabetta.

[Source: National Archives Microfilm Publication T 715, Roll 602, Page 8]

Birth: 4 MAY 1893

Death: 27 SEP 1918 at Malancourt (Meuse), France; killed in action, his skull shattered by an H. E. shell, while serving in the United States Army, 79th Division, 315th Infantry, Company K.
  Buried in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Plot B, Row 32, Grave 13, Romagne (Meuse), France.

[Source: Burial Case File, U.S. National Archives; American Battle Monuments Commission, Washington, D.C.]


Birth: 4 SEP 1894 at 4:15 AM at via Piazza #17, to Nicola, bracciale, and his wife Maria MARTONE, contadina, both domiciled in Santangelo d'Alife.
  Presented: 7 SEP 1894 at 8:15 AM at the Casa comunale by Maria Michela REGA, 54, levatrice, to Nicola GIRARDI, sindaco.
  Witnesses: Giovanni FARINA, 60, falegname, and Raffaele LOMBARDI, 50, bracciale. The midwife presented the child because the mother's husband, being far away from the town, was unable to. (La dichiarante ha denunciato la nascita suddetta, per avere nella suindicata sua qualità prestati i sussidi dell'arte sua nell'atto del parto, ed in luogo del marito della Martone, il quale non ha potuto denunciarla perché lontano da questo Comune).


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1894 #57]

Immigration: Sailed from Naples on 4 JUL 1905 and landed in New York 23 JUL 1905 aboard the SS Napolitan Prince with her mother Maria MARTONE and her brother Giovanni and her sister Elisabetta.

[Source: National Archives Microfilm Publication T 715, Roll 602, Page 8]

Death: 12 FEB 1935, age 41, in Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia. Buried in St. Mark's Cemetery, Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on 15 FEB 1935. Anna lived in Tullytown, Bucks County, and was a member of St. Ann's Church in Bristol Borough. The large name on the gravestone is SOAVE. Beneath this are the names Alessandro (1858-1943) and Maria (1860-1930), and lastly Anna Morganti (1894-1935).

[Source: Galzerano Funeral Home, Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania (31 MAY 2007). Certificate of Death for Anna Morganti, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, File no. 12133, Registered no. 3322. Photograph of gravestone found at the Web site "Find a Grave", Memorial #187274422, on 18 JUL 2019.]

ANGELILLO Elisabetta Crestina

Birth: 10 NOV 1899 at 4:10 AM at via Piazza #19, to Nicola, bracciale, and his wife Maria MARTONE, contadina, both domiciled in Santangelo d'Alife.
  Presented: 13 NOV 1899 at 9:15 AM at the Casa comunale by Maria Michela REGA, 63, levatrice, to Cavalier Felice STOCCHETTI, sindaco.
  Witnesses: Orazio MELENCHI, 40, possidente, and Domenico NORATO, 57, ferraio.  The midwife presented the child because the mother's husband, being far away from the town, was unable to. (La dichiarante ha denunciato la nascita suddetta, per avere nella suindicata sua qualità prestati i sussidi dell'arte sua nell'atto del parto, ed in luogo del marito della Martone, il quale non ha potuto denunciarla perché lontano da questo Comune).

Domenico NORATO

[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1899 #60]

Birth: SEP 1899.

[Source: 1910 U.S. Census for Bristol Borough, PA]

Immigration: Sailed from Naples on 4 JUL 1905 and landed in New York 23 JUL 1905 aboard the SS Napolitan Prince with her mother Maria MARTONE and her brother Giovanni and her sister Anna.

[Source: National Archives Microfilm Publication T 715, Roll 602, Page 8]

Marriage: to Gabriel JACOVONE (1899-1982).

[Source: Elisabetta's brother Giovanni's Burial Case File, U.S. National Archives. Death certificate for Elizabeth Jacovone. Documents further identifying Elisabetta (Angelillo) Jacovone.]

Death: 16 JUN 1965 at 1007 Beaver Street (her home) in Bristol Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Burial 18 JUN 1965 in St. Ann's Cemetery, Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania. Funeral director: Louis A. Galzerano, Bristol.

[Source: Death certificate for Elizabeth (Angelillo) Jacovone.]


Maria Concetta JACOVONE

Birth: 4 NOV 1923.

Death: 6 DEC 1968. Last residence: Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 19007

[Source: United States Social Security Death Index. Pennsylvania Department of Health, Death Index Listing]

* Raffaele ANGELILLO
b. 16 AUG 1888
d. 25 SEP 1965 at Maple Shade, NJ
4 JUN 1924 at Croydon, Bucks County, PA
Eleanor Mabel BECKER
b. 19 MAR 1909 at Martins Ferry, OH
d. 26 DEC 1985 at Maple Shade, NJ

* ANGELILLO Raffaele Gaetano Giuseppe

Birth: 16 AUG 1888 at 3 hrs 40 minutes (alle ore tre e minuti quaranta) in the house at Via Piazza #19, Comune of Sant'Angelo d'Alife.

[Source: Copy of Nascite 1888 #51, made and postmarked 4 MAY 1995, from the Ufficio dello stato civile of the Comune di S. Angelo d'Alife, Provincia di Caserta]

Birth: 16 AUG 1888 at 3:40 AM at via Piazza #19, to Nicola, bracciale, and his wife Maria MARTONE, contadina, both domiciled in Santangelo d'Alife.
  Presented: 17 AUG 1888 at 8:20 AM at the Casa comunale by Maria Michela REGA, 54, levatrice, to Giuseppe MELENCHI, segretario delegato.
  Witnesses: Alfonso PAONE, 26, bracciale, and Simone RUSSO, 43, bracciale.
  The midwife presented the child because the mother's husband, being far away from the town, was unable to. (La dichiarante ha denunciato la nascita suddetta, per avere nella suindicata sua qualità prestati i sussidi dell'arte sua [nell'atto] del parto, ed in luogo del marito della Martone, il quale non ha potuto denunciarla perché lontano da questo Comune).


[Source: Sant'Angelo d'Alife Nascite 1888 #51]

Immigration: Sailed from Naples 20 APR 1901, arrived New York 6 MAY 1901 aboard SS Werra; destination: father Nicola, Bristol Borough, Pennsylvania.

[Source: National Archives Microfilm Publication T 715, Roll 192, Sheet N]

Marriage: to Eleanor Mabel BECKER on 4 JUN 1924 at Croydon, Bucks County, PA.

[Source: Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Marriage Licenses, No. 124, Vol. 66]

Social Security Number: 162-10-4397. Application made: 1 DEC 1935; address: 211 Green St., Philadelphia, PA. Business name: abrasive co., Address: 5500 Tacony St. Age: 48; date of birth: 8/16/88; place of birth: Italy; sex: male; color: white; father's name: Nicholas ANGELO; mother's name: Mary MARTON.


[Source: U.S. Social Security Act, Application for Account Number]

Naturalization: Petition for Naturalization (of a Married Person, under SEC. 310(a), of the Nationality Act of 1940): No. 2870, Common Pleas Court of Burlington County at Mt Holly, NJ; full, true, and correct name: Raffaele ANGELILLO; residence: 750 N Forklanding Rd, Maple Shade, NJ; occupation: machine operator; age: 53 years old; born: 16 AUG 1888 in San Angelo, Italy; sex: M; color: W; complexion: Dk.; color of eyes: Br.; color of hair: Br.-Gray; height: 5 feet 5 inches; weight: 170 pounds; visible distinctive marks: none; race: white; present nationality: Italian.
  Name of wife: Eleanor BECKER; married 9 JUN 1924 at Doylestown, PA; she was born at: Philadelphia, PA, on 19 MAR 1909, resides with husband, citizen by: birth.
  Petitioner's last place of foreign residence: San Angelo, Italy; emigrated to the United States from: Naples, Italy; lawful entry at: New York, NY, under the name: Raffaele ANGELILLO on 6 MAY 1901; name of vessel or other means of conveyance: Guerra. Not absent from the United States for a period of 6 months or longer since lawful entry; not heretofore made petition for naturalization.

[SIGNED] Raffaele ANGELILLO (Corrected by Raffaele himself from: ANGELILLI)

Notice of Objection to Final Hearing (made to the Judge of the above Common Pleas Court): 27 APR 1942. In re: Raffaele ANGELILLO, Naturalization Petition No. 2188-P-2870: "The above petitioner ... is a native, citizen, subject, or denizen of a country with which the United States is at war.... Pursuant to [Section 326(b) of the Nationality Act of 1940], objection is hereby interposed to a final hearing [and it is] moved that the said petition be continued until such time as objection is withdrawn."

Certificate of Naturalization No. 5647797, Petition No. 2870: Ralph ANGELO, age 54 years, admitted to citizenship: 2 SEP 1943 at the Common Pleas Court of Burlington County.

[Source: these three documents (Petition, Objection, Certificate)]

Death: 25 SEP 1965 at 9 AM at Maple Shade [Cinnaminson], Burlington County, NJ; length of stay in that place: 6 years; street address: 2508 Rt 73; name: Ralph ANGELO; male; white; married; age 77; occupation: reamer; birthplace: Italy; citizen of which country: naturalized - USA; father's name: Nicholas ANGELO; mother's maiden name: not known; veteran of US armed forces: no; informant: wife Eleanor.
  Burial: 29 SEP 1965 at Locustwood Memorial Park [Section 8, Lot 21], Cherry Hill Twp, NJ; funeral director: Joseph F. Inglesby, Maple Shade.

[Source: Death Certificate, State of New Jersey]


ANGELO Michael Raymond
  b. 31 MAR 1927 at Croydon, Pennsylvania
  Baptized: 22 MAY 1927 as Michael R. ANGELILLI at the Church of St. Ann, Bristol Borough, Pennsylvania; godparents: Angelo MORGANTI and his daughter Elena.
  d. 28 MAY 1981 at Hoffman Estates, Illinois

  b. 15 JUL 1928 at Croydon, Pennsylvania; birth certificate name: Raffael ANGELO
  Baptized: 29 AUG 1928 as Raphael N. ANGELILLI at the Church of St. Ann, Bristol Borough, Pennsylvania; godparents: Angelo and Elena MORGANTI.
  d. 18 SEP 1988 at Tampa, Florida
  Sergeant First Class (SFC), United States Army
Interment in Arlington National Cemetery: 12 OCT 1988
(Columbarium: Court: 2; Section: Z; Column: 11; Niche: 1)

ANGELO John Ronald
  b. 21 JAN 1930 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  d. 28 MAR 1981 at Cocoa Beach, Florida

ANGELO Leon Nicholas
  b. 20 JUL 1931 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; birth certificate name: Lione Nichola [Leone Nicola] ANGELO.
  d. 11 APR 2003 at Camden, New Jersey

ANGELO Joseph S.
  b. 1 JUN 1935 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  d. 23 JAN 2005 at Inglis, Florida

[The 1940 U.S. Census record for Ralph and Eleanor Angelo and their children, City of Philadelphia, 211 Green Street]

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/angelo/angciv1.html
Last revised: 27 July 2019 : 2019-07-27 and 30 June 2007 : 2007-06-30 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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