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Death certificate for Michael Angelo, 3 October 1916

Michele Angelillo was born in Sant'Angelo d'Alife, Campania, Italy, in 1881, and died in Bristol Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, at the age of 35. He was the husband of Margaret (née King) Angelo of Philadelphia.

1916 Pennsylvania Death Index, Angelo Michael, D-16 A-B A524, 2 KB

The informant for the death certificate was "Ralf Angelo", that is, Michele's younger brother Raffaele (1888-1965) who was living at 334 Washington Street in Bristol Borough, where Michele died. (Death notice in The Philadelphia Press, 6 October 1916). Michele was buried in Greenmount Cemetery in Philadelphia on Saturday, 7 October 1916. Margaret would be buried beside him there in 1946.

Death certificate for Michael Angelo (Michele Angelillo), 1916, 96 KB

Maps of Greenmount Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, showing the location of the graves of Michael and Margaret Angelo.

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/angelo/michele-angelillo-death-certificate.html
Last revised: 20 July 2019 : 2019-07-20 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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