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The Ancestors of Giuseppantonio Iacovelli - Family Trees

Giuseppantonio Iacovelli was born in Gambatesa, Molise, in 1895, and died in Manhattan, New York City, in 1929.

Note: the Iacovelli family tree charts in the old format still exist.

List of the Surnames


Ancestors are arranged by family names, beginning with the youngest.  Only direct lines of ascent are listed here (Some brothers and sisters are listed in the Italian Civil Register records).

Family groups are listed:
1st line: son (or daughter)
2nd line: son (or daughter's) father and mother
3rd line: father's father and mother
4th line: father's father's father and mother

Links are to Italian Civil Register records.

m. = married
b. = born
d. = died


Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Maria Vittoria d'ADDARIO (1805-1830) -- m. -- Michele MONFORTE (1799-1849)

Pasquale d'ADDARIO (1759-1813) -- m. -- Maria Stella MASTROGIORGIO (d. before 1809)

Stefano d'ADDARIO -- m. -- Catarina SPALLONE

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Tomasina ALTIERI (1766-1841) -- m. -- Nicola IACOVELLI (1777-1838)

Francesco ALTIERI (1720-1789) -- m. -- Angela di MAURO (d. 1789-1808)

Benedetto ALTIERI, from Santa Croce nel Sannio -- m. -- Isabella d'UVA, from Santa Croce nel Sannio

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Some events at Riccia, Molise

Rosa FANELLI (1804-1879), born at Riccia -- m. -- Giuseppe GENOVESE (1796-1855)

Michele FANELLI -- m. -- Carmina di PAOLA

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Domenica GENOVESE (1827-1899) -- m. -- Crescenzo MONFORTE (1825-1896)

Giuseppe GENOVESE (1796-1855) -- m. -- Rosa FANELLI (1804-1879), born at Riccia

Annibale GENOVESE -- m. -- Domenica ROMANO

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI (1895-1929), died at Manhattan, New York -- m. -- Pasqualina di RENZO (1902-1981), died at New Jersey

Nicola IACOVELLI (b. 1838) -- m. -- Filomena MONFORTE (b. 1857)

Pasquale IACOVELLI (1805-1878) -- m. -- Maria Nicola LOMBARDI (1803-1851), born at at Castelnuovo

Nicola IACOVELLI (1777-1838) -- m. -- Tommasina ALTIERI (1766-1841)

Pasquale IACOVELLI (1752-1802) -- m. -- Tomasina ABIUSO (d. 1802-1808)

Nunzio IACOVELLO -- m. -- Antonia MASSIMO

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Rosaria IADAROLA (1772-1838) -- m. -- Crescenzo MONFORTE (1771-1814)

Isidoro IADAROLA -- m. -- Anna di DOMENICA

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Maria Nicola LOMBARDI (1803-1851), born at Castelnuovo -- m. -- Pasquale IACOVELLI (1805-1878)

Tomaso LOMBARDI (1771-1811), born at Montefusco, died at Castlenuovo -- m. -- Arcangela PICCIRILLO (d. 1816) at Pietra

Bernardo LOMBARDI -- m. -- Carmina PAPA

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Filomena MONFORTE (b. 1857) -- m. -- Nicola IACOVELLI (b. 1838)

Crescenzo MONFORTE (1825-1896) -- m. -- Domenica GENOVESE (-)

Michele MONFORTE (b. 1799) -- m. -- Maria Vittoria d'ADDARIO (1805-1830)

Crescenzo MONFORTE (1771-1814) -- m. -- Rosaria IADAROLA (1772-1838)

Michele MONFORTE (1742-1802) -- m. -- Antonia PETRUCCI (d. before 1803)

Giaccomo MONFORTE -- m. -- Lucrezia MOFFA

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Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise

Arcangela PICCIRILLO (d. 1816) at Pietra -- m. -- Tomaso LOMBARDI (1771-1811), born at Montefusco, died at Castlenuovo

Giovanni PICCIRILLO -- m. -- Costanza BATTULLI

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The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/iacovelli/iacchars.html
Last revised: 15 March 2007 : 2007-03-15 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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