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The Ancestors of Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI - Italian Civil Register Records - Surnames from d'ADDARIO to PICCIRILLO

Gambatesa on the map of Italy, 2 KB
Gambatesa is a village in central southern Italy between Naples and Rome.

The surnames on this page:

Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise.  An asterisk (*) indicates a direct-line ascendent of Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI of Gambatesa (1895-1929).  Note: the Iacovelli who are the first cousins of the children of Giovanni Valente of Gambatesa (1887-1969) are the descendents of Nicola Iacovelli's 2nd marriage, which was to Filomena Monforte on 21 December 1879.

b. = Birth
d. = Death

Ancestors are arranged from most distant to most recent; children follow their parents.

The d'ADDARIO Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

All events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Stefano d'ADDARIO - married - Catarina SPALLONE

Both were dead at the time of the death of their son Pasquale (22 APR 1813).

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Pasquale d'ADDARIO
b. 1759
d. 22 APR 1813
- married - Maria Stella MASTROGIORGIO
d. before 1809

[Source: not found in Gambatesa Morti 1809-1830]

* d'ADDARIO Pasquale

Birth: 1759  [1813-54]

Death: 22 APR 1813 at 7 hrs, age 54, agricoltore, domiciled in Gambatesa, son del fu Stefano, and della fu Catarina SPALLONE; husband di Maria Stella GIORGIO.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Maria Vittoria d'ADDARIO
b. 5 SEP 1805
d. 9 SEP 1830
- married - Michele MONFORTE
b. 17 APR 1799
d. after 1849

* d'ADDARIO Maria Vittoria

Birth: 5 SEP 1805 at 22 hrs to Pasquale, and Maria Stella MASTROGIORGIO, conjugi della Terra di Gambatesa.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

Death: 9 SEP 1830 at 16 hrs, age 25, contadina, born in Gambatesa, daughter del fu Pasquale, contadino, and della fu Maria Stella GIORGIO; wife di Michele MONFORTE, contadino.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1850 #9]

The ALTIERI Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Benedetto ALTIERI - married - Isabella d'UVA

Husband and wife of the Comune of Santa Croce nel Sannio (identified as Santa Croce, presso Morcone), Distretto of Campobasso, Circondario of Santa Croce nel Sannio, Provincia of Molise; both were dead at the time of the death of their son Francesco (3 AUG 1789).

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1855, Processetti 10, Page numbered 8]

[Note: Indexes to the year 1817 (when there were 133 deaths) in the Civil Register of Santa Croce del Sannio (BN) list the name d'UVA, but not the name ALTIERI.]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Francesco ALTIERI
b. 1720
d. 3 AUG 1789
- married - Angela di MAURO
d. 1789-1808

[Source: not found in Gambatesa Atti di Morte or Processetti]

* ALTIERI Francesco

Birth: 1720  [1789-69]

Death: 3 AUG 1789 at 19 hrs at Gambatesa at his own house, age 69, son qq.m Benedetto, and Isabella d'UVA, spouses of Santa Croce, near (presso) Morcone; husband di Angela di MAURO.  Died after being Confessed by Don Domenico SCOCCA, given Communion by Don Ferdinando d'ALESSANDRO, given Extreme Unction and subsequently attended by Don Domenico CURIALE, after being given final absolution (l'assoluzione in articolo di morte), and accompanied by clergy was buried at the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.  Death recorded by Pasquale Arciprete de RENZIS at Defunti Volume 8, al folio 112.  Copy made by Salvadore Arciprete TRONCA.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1855, Processetti 10, Page numbered 8]

- THEIR CHILDREN (5 known) -

b. 1752
d. 31 MAY 1831
- married - Saverio FARINACCIO
b. 1741
d. 17 NOV 1793 at 17 hrs, age 52, (native) of Gildone, son qq.m Gaetano, and Crescenza Brigida DAMICO, spouses of Gildone; husband di Maria ALTIERI.  Remembered in the Terra of Gambatesa for having climbed an oak tree in a place called la Surienza, under the jurisdiction of Gambatesa, and falling to his death.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1854 #8; Gambatesa Processetti 1817 #9]


Birth: 1752  [1831-79]

Death: 31 MAY 1831 at 22 hrs at her own house, age 79, contadina, daughter qq.m Francesco, contadino, and Angela di MAURO; wife fu Saverio FARINACCIO, colono.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1831 #79]

[Note: Maria ALTIERI is a direct line ascendant of the Maria Vittoria d'ALESSANDRO who was the mother of Pasqualina DiRENZO (the wife of Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI), and of her sister Nunziata DiRENZO (the wife of Giovanni VALENTE).]

b. 1754
d. 20 JAN 1838
- married - Giovanni CARANO
b. 1762
d. 13 JAN 1845, age 83, proprietario, son qq.m Paolo, tavernaro, and Anna d'ALESSANDRO; husband fu Rosa ALTIERI.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1845 #4]


Birth: 1754  [1838-84]

Death: 20 JAN 1838 at 8 hrs, age 84, contadina, daughter qq.m Francesco, contadino, and Angela di MAURO; wife di Giovanni CARANO, tavernaro.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1838 #5]

b. 1757
d. 7 NOV 1834
- married - Domenico VALENTE
b. 1764
d. 26 NOV 1828 at 10 hrs at his own house, age 64, colono, son qq.m Pasquale, viatuale, and Ermenegilda IACOVELLI; husband di Carmina ALTIERI.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1828 #109]


Birth: 1757  [1834-77]

Death: 7 NOV 1834 at 21 hrs at her own house, age 77, contadina, daughter qq.m Francesco, contadino, and Angela di MAURO; wife fu Domenico VALENTE, proprietario.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1834 #64]

[Note: Carmina ALTIERI is a direct line ascendant of the Nicola VALENTE who was the father of Giovanni VALENTE.  This is a direct line of ascent shared by the descendents of Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI and Giovanni VALENTE.]

ALTIERI Benedetto

Birth: 1765 [1828-63]

[Source: the first dichiarante at the death of Domenico VALENTE fu Pasquale, husband di Carmina ALTIERI, was Benedetto ALTIERI, brother-in-law of the deceased (cognato del defunto), age 63, bracciale, domiciled in Gambatesa.  Gambatesa Morti 1828 #109]

* Tomasina ALTIERI - married - Nicola IACOVELLI

* Tomasina ALTIERI
b. 1766
d. 5 APR 1841
- married - Nicola IACOVELLI
b. 1777
d. 27 OCT 1838

* ALTIERI Tomasina

Birth: 1766  [1841-75]

Death: 5 APR 1841 at 8 hrs, age 75, contadina, born in Gambatesa, daughter of Francesco defunto, contadino, and Angela di MAURO defunta; wife del fu Nicola IACOVELLI, vaticale.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1841 #34]

The d'FANELLI Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Michele FANELLI - married - Carmina di PAOLA

Domiciled in Riccia, both were dead at the time of the death of their daughter Rosa (15 SEP 1879).

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1879 #67]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

b. 1804 at Riccia
d. 15 SEP 1879
- married - Giuseppe GENOVESE
b. 1796
d. 10 JAN 1855


Birth: 1804 at Riccia  [1879-75]

Death: 15 SEP 1879 at 9:40 PM, age 75, contadina, born in Riccia dal fu Michele, contadino, and da Carmina di PAOLA defunta, both domiciled in vita a Riccia; widow of Giuseppe GENOVESE.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1879 #67]

The GENOVESE Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Annibale GENOVESE - married - Domenica ROMANO

Both were dead at the time of the death of their son Giuseppe (10 JAN 1855).

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1855 #14]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Giuseppe GENOVESE
b. 1796
d. 10 JAN 1855
- married - Rosa FANELLI
b. 1804 at Riccia
d. 15 SEP 1879

* GENOVESE Giuseppe

Birth: 1796  [1855-51]

Death: 10 JAN 1855 at 15 hrs, age 51, contadino, son del fu Annibale, contadino, and della fu Domenica ROMANO; husband di Rosa Fanelli.
  Ha lasciato due figli minori a nomi Maria Donata, e Luigi.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1855 #14]

- THEIR CHILDREN (3 known) -

* Domenica GENOVESE - married - Crescenzo MONFORTE

GENOVESE Maria Donata

Birth: after 1833.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1855 #14]


Birth: after 1833.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1855 #14]

* Domenica GENOVESE
b. 10 MAR 1827
d. 26 JUN 1899
- married - Crescenzo MONFORTE
b. 5 OCT 1825
d. 27 MAY 1896

* GENOVESE Domenica

Birth: 10 MAR 1827 at 2 hrs at Vico Burratti to Giuseppe, 22, bracciale, and Rosa FANELLI, 26.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1850 #9]

Death: 26 JUN 1899 at 12 PM at Vico Martelli #6, age 72, contadina, daughter dal fu Giuseppe, contadino, and dalla fu Rosa FANELLI, contadina; widow of Crescenzo MONFORTE.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1899 #51]

The IACOVELLI Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Nunzio IACOVELLO - married - Antonia MASSIMO

Husband and wife of Gambatesa; both were dead at the time of the death of their son Pasquale (4 FEB 1802).

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1857 #22, document #7]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Pasquale IACOVELLI
b. 1752
d. 4 FEB 1802
- married - Tomasina ABIUSO
d. 1802-1808

[Source: died after her husband but not found in Gambatesa Atti di Morte]

* IACOVELLI Pasquale

Birth: 1752  [1802-50]

Death: 4 FEB 1802 at 5 hrs, Pasquale IACOVELLO, age 50, son delli quondam Nunzio, and Antonia MASSIMO, conjugi della Terra di Gambatesa, husband di Tomasina GABINI.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1857 #22, document #7]

- THEIR CHILDREN (2 known) -

* Nicola IACOVELLI - married - Tommasina ALTIERI
b. 1780
d. 2 FEB 1848
- married - Angela TOMASONE
b. 1779 at Pietracatella
d. 6 SEP 1848, age 69, contadina, born in Pietracatella, domiciled in Gambatesa, daughter of Francesco defunto, contadino, and Anna CONDINE, both domiciled in Pietracatella; widow of Nunzio IACOVELLO.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1857 #22, one of two documents assigned the number 6]


Birth: 1780  [1848-68]

Death: 2 FEB 1848 at 12 hrs, age 68, vetturale, born in Gambatesa to Pasquale defunto, and Tomasina ABIUSO defunta; husband di Angela TOMASONE, all domiciled in Gambatesa.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1857 #22, one of two documents assigned the number 6]

b. 1777
d. 27 OCT 1838
- married - Tommasina ALTIERI
b. 1766
d. 5 APR 1841


Birth: 1777  [1838-61]

Death: 27 OCT 1838 at 3 hrs, age 61, viaticale, born in Gambatesa, son del fu Pasquale, viaticale, and della fu Tomasina ABIUSO; husband di Tomasina ALTIERI.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1838 #85]

[Note: Occupation of Nicola recorded at the time of the death of his son Pasquale (21 MAR 1878): vetturale, the same occupation as recorded for Pasquale (Gambatesa Morti 1878 #19).]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Pasquale IACOVELLI
b. 8 APR 1805
d. 21 MAR 1878
12 AUG 1830, Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
Maria Nicola LOMBARDI
b. 26 MAR 1803 at Castelnuovo
d. 27 OCT 1851

* IACOVELLI Pasquale

Birth: 8 APR 1805 at 16 hrs to Nicola, and Tommasina ALTIERI, conjugi della Terra di Gambatesa.  La commadre: Signora Paola CURIALE, daughter del Magnifico Saverio, and Signora Rosa TRONCA, spouses of Gambatesa.

Marriage: 12 AUG 1830 at Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, Gambatesa, by Salvadore Arciprete TRONCA.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24]

Death: 21 MAR 1878 at 2:40 PM at Via dietro gli Orti #6, age 73, vetturale, born in Gambatesa dal fu Nicola, vetturale, and dalla fu Tomasina ALTIERI, contadina; widower of Maria Nicola LOMBARDI.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1878 #19]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

b. 18 AUG 1838
d. after 1910
28 FEB 1862, Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
b. 1838
d. 15 AUG 1879
21 DEC 1879
b. 5 APR 1857
d. after 1910


Birth: 18 AUG 1838 at 10 hrs at strada dietro gli orti to Pasquale, 33, viaticale, and Maria Nicola LOMBARDI, 29.

Baptized: 19 AUG 1838, (Parroco of Gambatesa).

[MARGIN] Married Filomena MONFORTE, daughter di Crescenzo, 21 DEC 1879.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1838 #59]

1st Marriage: 28 FEB 1862, Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle (San Bartolomeo Apostolo), Gambatesa, to Maria Luigia MASTROJANNI.

Atto di solenne promessa di matrimonio: 2 FEB 1862, in the Casa comunale of Gambatesa: Nicola IACOVELLI, 24, viaticale, born and domiciled in Gambatesa, son di Pasquale, viaticale, and della fu Maria Nicola LOMBARDI, both domiciled in Gambatesa;
  Maria Luigia MASTROJANNI, 24, born and domiciled in Gambatesa, daughter del fu Ignazio, contadino, and di Maria Elena MASTROBUONO, both domiciled in Gambatesa.

Not signed by Nicola IACOVELLI, lo sposo, or by Pasquale IACOVELLI, il padre dello sposo.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1862 #2, Processetti 1862 #2]


IACOVELLI Pasquale Antonio

Birth: 26 MAR 1863, Strada dietro gli orti.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1863 #35]

Death: 29 NOV 1875, age 13, Via dietro gli orti #6, vetturale, celibe.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1875 #106]


Birth: 20 MAR 1866, Via dietro gli Orti.

[MARGIN] Married Maria Concetta SABBARESE in Gambatesa, 23 JAN 1890.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1866 #32]

IACOVELLI Maria Nicola

Birth: 1 NOV 1868, Via dietro gli orti.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1868 #96]

IACOVELLI Giuseppe Antonio

Birth: 21 AUG 1871, Via dietro gli Orti.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1871 #102]

b. 2 MAR 1877
- married - Filippa Antonia di MAURO
b. 1875  [1898-23]


Birth: 2 MAR 1877 at 2:15 PM at Via dietro gli orti #6, to Nicola IACOVELLI, age 39, vetturale, domiciled in Gambatesa, and to his wife Maria Luigia MASTROIANNI, donna di casa, who lives with him.
  Birth reported by Nicola IACOVELLI 3 MAR 1877 at 7:15 AM in the Casa comunale to Giuseppe FERRARA Sindaco.
  Testimoni: Domenico de LUCA, 53, contadino, and Giuseppe CALARESE, 50, agricoltore.

Signed only by the sindaco, essendo gli altri analfabeti.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1877 #45]

Marriage: 22 DEC 1898 at 2:15 PM in the Casa Comunale of Gambatesa by Domenico ROTONDO Assessore Anziano: Pasquale IACOVELLI, age 22, vetturale, born and resident in Gambatesa, figlio di Nicola, resident in Gambatesa, e della fu Maria Luigia MASTROIANNI, residente in vita a Gambatesa;
  Filippa Antonia di MAURO, age 23, donna di casa, born and resident in Gambatesa, figlia di Francesco, resident in Gambatesa, e di Donata d'ALESSANDRO, resident in Gambatesa.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1898 #31]

- The Children of Pasquale IACOVELLI and Filippa Antonia di MAURO (2 known) -


Birth: 3 NOV 1899 at 4:30 PM at Via Carminale di Sopra to Pasquale, 22, vetturale, and to Filippa Antonia di MAURO, contadina.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1899 #111]

IACOVELLI Luigi Antonio

Birth: 3 MAR 1903 at 2:30 AM at Corso Carminale #64 to Pasquale, 26, vetturale, and to Filippa Antonia di MAURO, contadina.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1903 #13]

[Death of Maria Luigia MASTROIANNI: 15 AUG 1879 at Via dietro gli Orti #6, age 41, contadina, resident and born in Gambatesa dal fu Ignazio, contadino, and dalla fu Maria Elena MASTROBUONO, contadina, both domiciled in vita a Gambatesa, wife di Nicola IACOVELLI.  (Source: Gambatesa Morti 1879 #51)]

2nd Marriage: 21 DEC 1879 at 10:30 AM to Filomena MONFORTE.

Marriage banns: 1 DEC 1879 at 11:40 AM: Nicola IACOVELLI, 41, vetturale, son del fu Pasquale, vetturale, and della fu Maria Nicola LOMBARDI, contadina;
  Filomena MONFORTE, 23, contadina, daughter di Crescenzo, 54, vetturale, and di Domenica GENOVESE, contadina.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1879 #18; Gambatesa Pubblicazioni 1879 #18]

Death: after 1910.

[Source: not found in Gambatesa Atti di Morte]



Birth: 27 JAN 1881, Via dietro gli orti #6.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1881 #13]

IACOVELLI Ferdinando

Birth: 1 JUN 1883, Via dietro gli orti #6.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1883 #60]

Death: 4 DEC 1887, Via dietro gli orti.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1887 #123]


Birth: 7 JUL 1885, Via dietro gli orti #5.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1885 #73]

IACOVELLI Ferdinando

Birth: 3 APR 1888, Via dietro gli orti #6.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1888 #50]


Birth: 31 MAY 1890, Via dietro gli orti #7.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1890 #66]

* Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI - married - Pasqualina di RENZO

[Note: No further children are found 1896-1910]

* Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI
b. 13 MAR 1895
d. 16 SEP 1929 at Manhattan, New York City
10 MAY 1923, Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Camden, NJ
Pasqualina di RENZO
b. 6 JAN 1902
d. 6 OCT 1981 in New Jersey

* IACOVELLI Giuseppantonio

Birth: 13 MAR 1895 at 4 PM at Via dietro gli Orti #7 to Nicola, 57, vetturale, domiciled in Gambatesa, and Filomena MONFORTE, donna di casa, his wife who lives with him (sua moglie, seco lui convivente).
  Presented to Antonio CONTENTI, sindaco, by his father at the Casa comunale 15 MAR 1895 at 10 AM.
  Witnesses: Francesco TOMMASONE, 57, contadino, and Bonifaccio VENDITTI, 66, contadino.

[SIGNED] Antonio CONTENTI, sindaco

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1895 #34]

Immigration: sailed from Naples 30 OCT 1912 and landed in New York 12 NOV 1912 aboard the S.S. Duca di Genova.  External Passport issued 18 SEP 1912 at the City of Campobasso.

Marriage: 10 MAY 1923 at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Roman Catholic Church, City of Camden, Camden County, New Jersey, to Pasqualina DiRENZO.

Death: 16 SEP 1929 at Manhattan, New York City.  Buried with his wife at Calvary Cemetery, Cherry Hill, NJ.

[Source: his daughter Filomena; Carmina ("Millie") VALENTE]

The IADAROLA Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

All events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Isidoro IADAROLA
d. before 1839
- married - Anna di DOMENICA
d. before 1831

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1845 #22, document #4]

* IADAROLA Isidoro

Death: dead at the time of the death of his daughter Rosaria (7 JUL 1838).

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1838 #38]

- THEIR CHILDREN (2 known) -

Francesco IADAROLA
b. 1761
d. 7 OCT 1830
- married - Antonia di PAOLO
d. after her husband Francesco

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1845 #22, document #4; copy of Morti 1830 #106]

IADAROLA Francesco

Birth: 1761  [1830-69]

Death: 7 OCT 1830 at 4 hrs, age 69, colono, born in Gambatesa, son d'Isadoro, colono, and della fu Anna di DOMENICA; husband di Antonia di PAOLO.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1845 #22, document #4; copy of Morti 1830 #106]

* Rosaria IADAROLA - married - Crescenzo MONFORTE

* Rosaria IADAROLA
b. 1772
d. 7 JUL 1838
- married - Crescenzo MONFORTE
b. 1771
d. 17 APR 1814

* IADAROLA Rosaria

Birth: 1772  [1838-66]

Death: 7 JUL 1838 at 2 hrs nella casa di pigione, Rosa IADAROLA, age 66, contadina, born in Gambatesa, daughter del fu Isidoro, contadino, and della fu Anna di DOMENICA; widow del fu Crescenzo MONFORTE, contadino.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1838 #38]

The LOMBARDI Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Bernardo LOMBARDI - married - Carmina PAPA

Both were dead at the time of the death of their son Tomaso (17 AUG 1811).

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24, document #3]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

b. 1771 at Montefusco
d. 17 AUG 1811 at Castelnuovo
- married - Arcangela PICCIRILLO
d. 21 OCT 1816 in Pietra


Birth: 1771  [1811-40]

Death: 17 AUG 1811 at 24 hrs in the Comune of Castelnuovo [della Daunia (FG)], Distretto of Sansevero, Province of Capitanata, age 40, bracciale, nativo di Montefusco [AV], domiciled in Castelnuovo at Strada detta il piano della Maddalena, son delli q.m Bernardo, and Carmina PAPA; lasciando sua moglie Arcangela PICCIRILLO e due figli cioè Carlo di anni tre e Maria Nicola di anni otto.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24, document #3]

- THEIR CHILDREN (2 known) -

* Maria Nicola LOMBARDI - married - Pasquale IACOVELLI


Birth: 1808 at Castelnuovo  [1811-3]

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24, document #3]

* Maria Nicola LOMBARDI
b. 26 MAR 1803 at Castelnuovo
d. 27 OCT 1851
- married - Pasquale IACOVELLI
b. 8 APR 1805
d. 21 MAR 1878

* LOMBARDI Maria Nicola

Birth: 26 MAR 1803 at Castelnuovo [della Daunia (FG)] to Tommaso, and Arcangela PICCIRILLO, conjugi della Terra di Castelnuovo.  La commadre: Maria Rosa CARRICO, daughter di Donata, and Giocasta AFRONE, spouses of Castelnuovo.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24, document #2]

Death: 27 OCT 1851 at 10 hrs, age 42, contadina, born in Castelnuovo, daughter of Tomaso defunto, contadino, and Angela RECIRELLA defunta, both domiciled in Castelnuovo; wife di Pasquale IACOVELLI, contadino, domiciled in Gambatesa.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1851 #91]

The MONFORTE Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

All events at Gambatesa
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Giaccomo MONFORTE - married - Lucrezia MOFFA

Husband and wife of Gambatesa; both were dead at the time of the death of their son Michele (8 FEB 1802).

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Michele MONFORTE
b. 1742
d. 8 FEB 1802
- married - Antonia PETRUCCI
d. before her husband Michele

* MONFORTE Michele

Birth: 1742  [1802-60]

Death: 8 FEB 1802 at 3 hrs, age 60, son dei furono Giaccomo, and Lucrezia MOFFA, conjugi della Terra di Gambatesa; widower of Antonia PETRUCCI.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Crescenzo MONFORTE
b. 1771
d. 17 APR 1814
- married - Rosaria IADAROLA
b. 1772
d. 7 JUL 1838

* MONFORTE Crescenzo

Birth: 1771  [1814-43]

Death: 17 APR 1814, age 43, contadino, domiciled in Gambatesa, son del fu Michele, and della fu Antonia PETRUCCI, husband di Rosa IADAROLA.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Michele MONFORTE
b. 17 APR 1799
d. after 1849
8 FEB 1823, Chiesa di San Bartolomeo Apostolo
Maria Vittoria d'ADDARIO
b. 5 SEP 1805
d. 9 SEP 1830

* MONFORTE Michele

Birth: 17 APR 1799 at 2 hrs della notte antecedente to Crescenzo, and Rosaria IADAROLA, conjugi della Terra di Gambatesa.  La commadre: Rosario d'ALESANDRO, daughter di Bartolomeo, and della fu Angela SPALLONE, spouses of Gambatesa.

Marriage: 8 FEB 1823, Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1823 #4]

Death: after 1849.

[Source: alive at the time of the marriage of his son Crescenzo (10 JUN 1850)]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Crescenzo MONFORTE
b. 5 OCT 1825
d. 27 MAY 1896
10 JUN 1850, Chiesa di San Bartolomeo Apostolo
b. 10 MAR 1827
d. 26 JUN 1899

* MONFORTE Crescenzo

Birth: 5 OCT 1825 at 10 hrs at Vico Iaquanalli to Michele, 24, bracciale, and Maria Vittoria d'ADDARIO, 22.

Marriage: Lunedì, 10 JUN 1850, in the Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo, Comune of Gambatesa, Archidiocesi of Benevento.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1850 #9]

Death: 27 MAY 1896 at 5 AM at Vico Martelli #6, age 71, vetturale, born in Gambatesa dal fu Michele, contadino, and dalla fu Maria Vittoria d'ADDARIO, contadina; husband di Domenica GENOVESE.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1896 #39]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Filomena MONFORTE
b. 5 APR 1857
d. after 1910
- married - Nicola IACOVELLI
b. 18 AUG 1838
d. after 1910

* MONFORTE Filomena

Birth: 5 APR 1857 at 22 hrs at strada Porta Vallone to Crescenzo, son di Michele, 31, contadino, and Domenica GENOVESE, 30.

[MARGIN] Married Nicola IACOVELLI, son fu Pasquale, 21 DEC 1879.

[Source: Gambatesa Nati 1857 #39]

Death: after 1910.

[Source: not found in Gambatesa Atti di Morte]

The PICCIRILLO Ancestors of
Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI

All events at Puglia and Campania
(Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Giovanni PICCIRILLO - married - Costanza BATTULLI

Both were dead at the time of the death of their daughter Arcangela (21 OCT 1816 in Pietra).

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24, document #4]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Arcangela PICCIRILLO
d. 21 OCT 1816 in Pietra
- married - Tomaso LOMBARDI
b. 1771 at Montefusco
d. 17 AUG 1811 at Castelnuovo

* PICCIRILLO Arcangela

Death: 21 OCT 1816 at 12 hrs at strada Colle Rosso, Comune of Pietra ([Tenenza] di Sansevera [therefore, Comune of Pietramontecorvino (FG)]), daughter delli fu Giovanni, and Costanza BATTULLI.

[Source: Gambatesa Processetti 1830 #24, document #4]

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/iacovelli/iacciv.html
Last revised: 21 June 2007 : 2007-06-21 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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