Home | Site Map | Search | Schlectweg and Becker Family History - Photographs of Harry and Mary Adelaide Slackway
Harry and Mary Adelaide Slackway of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Harry Slackway (1870-1959) was the son of Andreas and Mary Jane (Dickinson) Schlectweg. The maiden name of Mary Adelaide Slackway (1874-1935) was Stout.
Mary Adelaide (Stout) Slackway (1874-1935). She married in about 1892 when she was about 18 years old. This photograph, which is of unknown date, may, to judge Mary's age by her face, date from that time.
Harry Slackway (1870-1959) and his wife Mary Adelaide (Stout) Slackway. This photograph, of unknown date, may, to judge by fashions and faces, date from around 1910-1920.
Source: these two photographs are from Harry's great-granddaughter Clarie who believes they belonged to her mother Clara May who was the daughter of Harry's daughter Fidella.
The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/schlectweg/hmslackw.html
Last revised: 24 October 2016 : 2016-10-24 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo
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