Home | Valente and DiRenzo Family History - List of this Family's Surnames

The Ancestors of Giovanni Valente and Nunziata DiRenzo - Italian Civil Register Records - Surnames from IACOVELLI-2 to di MAURO

Gambatesa on the map of Italy, 2 KB
Gambatesa is a village in central southern Italy between Naples and Rome.

The surnames on this page:

An asterisk (*) indicates a direct-line ascendent of Giovanni VALENTE (1887-1969) or of his wife Nunziata DiRENZO (1897-1983).

  b. = Birth
  d. = Death
See the Italian-English Family History Glossary for definitions of the Italian words and expressions used on this page.

Ancestors are arranged from most distant to most recent; children follow their parents.  Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise.

The IACOVELLI Ancestors of
Giovanni VALENTE and Nunziata DiRENZO

Note: There are three family groups named IACOVELLI in the Valente and DiRenzo family.  But it is unknown whether these three family groups are related.


Unless noted, all events at Gambatesa, Molise
(Giovanni Valente's Family Trees | Nunziata DiRenzo's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Michele IACOVELLO - married - Lucrezia SANTELLA

Husband and wife of Gambatesa; both dead at the time of the death of their son Domenico (12 MAR 1802).

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1823, Processetti 12]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Domenico IACOVELLO
b. 1724
d. 12 MAR 1802
- married - Francesca CONTENTO
d. before her husband Domenico.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1823, Processetti 12]

* IACOVELLO Domenico

Birth: 1724  [1802-78]

Death: 12 MAR 1802; at 11 hrs was found dead in bed at his own house [alle ore undeci di d[ett].o giorno è stato ritrovato morto in letto, in casa propria], age 78, son qq.m Michele, and Lucrezia SANTELLA, spouses of Gambatesa; husband fu Francesca CONTENTO.  And because days before he had been Confessed and given Communion at church, and had lived a Christian life [e perchè giorni prima si era confessato, e comunicato in Chiesa, ed ha vissuto Cristianamente], accompanied by clergy, he was buried at the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.  Death recorded by Saverio Arcip.e GUGLIELMI at Defunti Book 9, al fol. 83.
  Copy made by Pasquale Arcip.e de PASCHALE [his ink stamp].

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1823, Processetti 12]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

b. 1751
d. 2 JUL 1798
- married - Carmina SCOCCA
b. 1757
d. 3 AUG 1802


Birth: 1751  [1798-47]

Death: 2 JUL 1798 at 14 hrs at his own house, age 47, son di Domenico, and Francesca CONTENTO, spouses of Gambatesa; husband di Carmina SCOCCA.  Died after having received the Sacraments of the Church [dopo aver ricevuti li Sagramenti della Chiesa], and accompanied by clergy was buried at the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.  Death recorded by Saverio Arciprete GUGLIELMI at Defunti Book 9, al fol. 51.
  Copy made by Pasquale Arcip.e de PASCHALE [his ink stamp].

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1823, Processetti 12, Page numbered 89]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Michelangelo IACOVELLI
b. 1782
d. 27 MAR 1855
- married - Anacleta BIANCO
b. 1782
d. 15 MAR 1866

* IACOVELLI Michelangelo

Birth: 1782  [1817-35]

[Source:Gambatesa Matrimoni 1837 #4, Processetti 4]

Death: 27 MAR 1855 at 2 hrs, age 71, possidente, son qq.m Saverio, contadino, and Carmina SCOCCA; husband di Anacleta BIANCO, contadina.
  Left behind two adult children.
  Reported to Prosdocimo ROTONDO, sindaco, 27 MAR 1855 at 13 hrs by: Michelangelo di MARIA, 57, contadino, and Giovanni Andrea CURIALE, 41, contadino.

The official of the Civil Register accompanied the reporters-of-the-death to view the deceased.

[SIGNED] Prosdocimo ROTONDO, sindaco
Luigi PASCHALE, cancelliere sostituto

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1855 #53]

- THEIR CHILDREN (3 known) -

* Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI - married - Carmina di DOMENICA


Birth: 1814  [1816-2]

Death: 25 AUG 1816 at 7 hrs, age 2, daughter di Michelangelo, and Anacleta BIANCO.  Death reported by Michelangelo BIANCO, 31, contadino.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1816 #50]

Giovannantonio IACOVELLI
b. 19 JUN 1817
d. 7 OCT 1890
20 APR 1837, Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
(*) Felicia BOCCAMAZZO
b. 17 SEP 1814 at Tufara, Province of Molise.
1st Marriage: 1833 at Tufara to (*) Bartolomeo CONTENTO.
d. 25 APR 1892 at Gambatesa.

IACOVELLI Giovannantonio

Birth: 19 JUN 1817 at 2 hrs to Michelangelo, 35, contadino, and Anacleta BIANCO, 35.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1837 #4, Processetti 4]

Death: 7 OCT 1890 at 2 PM at Via del Cimitero #21, age 73, agricoltore, son qq.m Michelangelo, agricoltore, and Anacleta BIANCO, contadina; husband di Felicia BOCCAMAZZO.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1890 #111]

* Giuseppe Antonio IACOVELLI
b. 26 AUG 1809
d. 28 OCT 1887
23 MAY 1826, Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Carmina di DOMENICA
b. 18 NOV 1804
d. 30 AUG 1878

* IACOVELLI Giuseppe Antonio

Birth: 26 AUG 1809 at 9 hrs to Michelangelo, bracciale, and Cleta BIANCO.
  Presented to the sindaco of this università [of Gambatesa] 26 AUG 1809 at 12 hrs by Anna Rosa di RENZO, 55, ostetrica, Strada del Serrone #[not recorded].
  Witnesses: Carmine CURIALE, 24, medico, and Amelio BERARDINELLI, 30, bracciale.

[SIGNED] I, D.n Carmine CURIALE, am acquainted with the reporter-of-the-birth
  I, Amelio BERARDINELLI, am acquainted with the reporter-of-the-birth
[no first name indicated] CURIALE, sindaco

Copy of Nascita 1809 #31 made by Federico PASCALE, cancell.e.

Marriage: 23 MAY 1826 at St. Bartholomew the Apostle by Pasquale Arciprete de PASCHALE: Giuseppe Antonio IACOVELLI, 17, bracciale, son di Michelangelo, bracciale, and Anacleta BIANCO;
  Carmina di DOMENICA, 21, daughter di Domenico, bracciale, and Donata MACCHIAROLA.

Witnesses: D. Gio:Donato RUSSO, and Giuseppe CARVELLI.

Atto della solenne promessa: 16 APR 1826 at 20 hrs at the Casa comunale before Vincenzo MACCHIAROLA, sindaco.
  Witnesses: Saverio PETRUCCI, 56, fabbricatore; Giovanni CONTENTO, 36, ferraro; Luigi d'ALESSANDRO, 39, bracciale; and Michele FANELLI, 35, bracciale.

Banns for the solenne promessa: affixed to the door of the Casa comunale Sunday 19 MAR 1826 and remained there for the 15 days required by law; no opposition to the marriage came forward.

Vincenzo MACCHIAROLA, sindaco
Federico PASCALE, cancelliere

Formal Consent to marry: given 9 APR 1826 before Vincenzo MACCHIAROLA, sindaco, by Michelangelo IACOVELLI, bracciale, Strada del Cimitero, and Anacleta BIANCO to their minor son Giuseppe Antonio IACOVELLI.
  Witnesses: Pasquale, son q.m Biase, ABIUSO, bracciale, Vico Abiuso, and Giuseppe IACOVELLI, colono, Strada del Tomolo.

[SIGNED] Vincenzo MACCHIAROLA, sind.co
Federico PASCALE, cancell.e

Formal Consent to marry: given the same date before the same sindaco and the same witnesses by Domenico di DOMENICA, bracciale, Strada Serrone, to his of-age daughter, by his wife fu Donata MACCHIAROLA, Carmina di DOMENICA.

[Ink stamp: Francesco I. Re del Regno delle due Sicilie Comune di Gambatesa]

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1826 #8, Processetti 8]

Death: 28 OCT 1887 at 9 PM at Via del Cimitero #15, age 78, agricoltore, son qq.m Michelangelo, agricoltore, and Anacleta BIANCO, contadina; husband fu Carmina di DOMENICA.
  Reported at the Casa comunale 29 OCT 1887 at 8 AM by: Michele GUGLIELMI, 68, becchino, and Antonio BARONE, 33, becchino.
  Witnesses: Pasquale DI MAURO, 31, contadino, and Giuseppe DI MARIA, 37, contadino.

[SIGNED] Giovanni TRONCA, segretario

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1887 #106]

- THEIR CHILDREN (3 known) -

* Michelangelo IACOVELLI - married - Angela CONTENTO
* Nunzia Maria IACOVELLI - married - Luigi di RENZO
b. 14 SEP 1843
d. 26 JAN 1868
3 JUN 1862 at the parish of Gambatesa
Francesco SCOCCA
b. 19 APR 1839 at Vico Tamburrelli, to Pasquale, 52, contadino, and Carmina ALTIERI, 37.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1862, Processetti 7]


Birth: 14 SEP 1843 at 24 hrs at Strada Cimitero, to Giuseppantonio, 34, contadino, and Carmina di DOMENICA, 40.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1862, Processetti 7]

Death: 26 JAN 1868 at 11 AM at Via Seronitta, age 25, daughter di Giuseppantonio, and Carmina di DOMENICA; wife di Francesco SCOCCA.

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1868 #17]

[Notes: Occupation of Francesco SCOCCA in 1863: possidente (Gambatesa Nascita 1863 #85).  Occupation of Francesco in 1881: agricoltore (Gambatesa Pubblicazioni 1881 #33).]

* Nunzia Maria IACOVELLI
b. 25 MAR 1841
d. 1911- 5 SEP 1922
31 MAY 1860, Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Luigi di RENZO
b. 13 MAR 1835
d. 1911- 5 SEP 1922

* IACOVELLI Nunzia Maria

Birth: 25 MAR 1841 at 13 hrs at her parents' house at Strada Cimitero to Giuseppantonio, 32, contadino, and Carmina di DOMENICA, 37.  Presented to Riccardo BERARDINELLI, sindaco, 25 MAR 1841 at 13 hrs by her father.
  Witnesses: Saverio d'ANTONIO, 30, contadino, and Michelangelo di MARIA, 42, contadino.

Baptized: 26 MAR 1841.

[SIGNED] Riccardo BERARDINELLI, sindaco
Federico PASCALE, cancelliere

Copy of Nascita 1841 #32 made by Luigi PASCHALE, cancelliere sostituto.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1860, Processetti 8]

Death: after 1910, but before 5 SEP 1922.

[Source: not found in Gambatesa Atti di morte.  The marriage certificate issued to Maria Vittoria D'ALESSANDRO at Gambatesa 5 SEP 1922 per uso d'emigrazione states: Giuseppe DI RENZO, son fu Nunzia IACOVELLI.  Copy, with amendments, of Matrimoni 1895 #9, signed FERRARA, l'ufficiale dello stato civile.]

[Note: Nunzia Maria IACOVELLI was the maternal grandmother of Nunziata DiRENZO (1897-1983) and after whom, following the Italian tradition, she was named.  (The oldest son and oldest daughter were named after the father's parents, and the second oldest son and second oldest daughter were named after the mother's parents.  But there were exceptions to this, for example, Nunziata DiRENZO's second oldest son was named after her brother Luigi who had died by drowning at the age of 16, and her third oldest son was named after her father.)]

* Michelangelo IACOVELLI
b. 22 MAY 1832
d. 2 APR 1873
15 MAY 1851, Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
b. 17 MAY 1835
d. 22 JAN 1895

* IACOVELLI Michelangelo

Birth: 22 MAR 1832 at 4 hrs at his parents' house at Strada del Cimitero to Giuseppantonio, 23, contadino, and Carmina di DOMENICA, 28.
  Presented to Crescenzo GUGLIELMI, sindaco, 22 MAR 1832 at 13 hrs by his father.
  Witnesses: Francesco GALLO, 56, contadino, and Michelangelo d'ANTONIO, 56, contadino, both brought foward by Giuseppantonio IACOVELLO.

Baptized: 22 MAR 1832.

[SIGNED] Crescenzo GUGLIELMI, sindaco
Federico PASCHALE, cancelliere

Copy of Nascita 1832 #28 made by Luigi PASCHALE, cancelliere sostituto.

Marriage: Thursday 15 MAY 1851 at the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, Archdiocese of Benevento: Michelangelo IACOVELLI, 19, contadino, son di Giuseppantonio, contadino, and Carmina di DOMENICA;
  Angela CONTENTO, 16, daughter q.m Bartolomeo, contadino, and di Felicia BOCCAMAZZO.

Witnesses: Pasquale Federigo BERARDINELLI, son fu Sig.e Francescantonio, 72, possidente, and Francesco Saverio MUCCI, son fu Vincenzo, 31, sagristano.

[SIGNED] Salvadore TRONCA [no ink stamp]

Atto della solenne promessa: 27 APR 1851 at 21 hrs at the Casa comunale before Vincenzo FERRARA, sindaco.
  Witnesses: Antonio GENOVESE, 58, contadino; Pasquale GENOVESE, 57, contadino; Celestino VALENTE, 36, contadino; and Francesco IADAROLA, 35, contadino.

Also present were the parents of the spouses who gave their formal consent to the marriage of their children.

[SIGNED] Vincenzo FERRARA, sindaco
Luigi PASCHALE, cancelliere sostituto

Banns for the solenne promessa: affixed Sunday 9 MAR 1851 at 16 hrs to the door of the Casa comunale, and by 23 MAR 1851 at 16 hrs had remained posted there for the 15 days required by law; there was no opposition.

[SIGNED] Tomaso ROTONDO, s[econd]:o [el]ett[o]:
Luigi PASCHALE, cancelliere sostituto

[Ink stamp: Ferdinando II. Re del Regno delle due Sicilie Comune di Gambatesa]

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1851 #9, Processetti 9]

Death: 2 APR 1873 at 4 PM at Via del Cimitero, age 41, contadino, son di Giuseppantonio, and Carmina di DOMENICA, contadini; husband di Angela CONTENTO.
  Reported at the Casa comunale 2 APR 1873 at 5 PM by: Pasquale di MARIA, son fu Michelangelo, 43, contadino, and Giovanni di RENZO, son fu Antonio, 39, possidente.

[SIGNED] Giuseppe FERRARA, sindaco

[Source:Gambatesa Morti 1873 #51]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

b. 8 NOV 1855
d. 1911-1914
15 MAR 1875 at the Casa comunale
b. 3 OCT 1853
d. circa JAN 1939


Birth: 8 NOV 1855 at 4 hrs at Strada del Cimitero to Michelangelo, 24, contadino, and Angela CONTENTO, 21.
  Presented at the Casa comunale 8 NOV 1855 at 15 hrs by Concetta ABIUSO, daughter del fu Cosmo, 59, levatrice.
  Witnesses: Michelangelo di MARIA, contadino, and Saverio d'ANTONIO, possidente.

Baptized: 8 NOV 1855 by the parish priest of Gambatesa.

[SIGNED] Prosdocimo ROTONDO, sindaco
Luigi PASCHALE, cancelliere sostituto

[MARGIN] on 15 MAR 1875 married Nicola VALENTE, son di Donato.

[Source: Gambatesa Nascita 1855 #72]

Death: 1911-1914

[Source: present at the marriage of her son Michele 21 DEC 1905 (Gambatesa Matrimoni 1905 #26), but not found in Gambatesa Atti di morte 1905-1910.  The marriage certificate of Giovanni VALENTE, dated 12 SEP 1914, has son della fu Carmina IACOVELLI.]

The IACOVELLI Ancestors of
Nunziata DiRENZO

Note: There are three family groups named IACOVELLI in the Valente and DiRenzo family.  But it is unknown whether these three family groups are related.


All events at Gambatesa, Molise
(Nunziata DiRenzo's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Francesco IACOVELLO - married - Porzia SCOCCA

Husband and wife of Gambatesa; both were dead at the time of the death of their daughter Vittoria (7 JUN 1786).

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1816, Processetti 19, Page numbered 134]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Vittoria IACOVELLI
b. 1720
d. 7 JUN 1786
- married - Eliseo CURIALE
b. 1731
d. 22 MAR 1808

* IACOVELLI Vittoria

Birth: 1720  [1786-66]

Death: Vittoria IACOVELLO died 7 JUN 1786 at 19 hrs at her own house, age 66, daughter qq.m Francesco, and Porzia SCOCCA, spouses of Gambatesa.  Died fortified with all the Sacraments of the Church, and accompanied by clergy was buried at Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.  Recorded by Pasquale Arcip.e de RENZIS at Defunti Book 8, a fol. 90 a t[erz].o.
  Copy made by Pasquale Arcip.e de PASCHALE [his ink stamp].

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1816, Processetti 19, Page numbered 134]

The IEZZI Ancestors of
Giovanni VALENTE

Unless noted, all events at Guardiagrele, Abruzzo Citeriore (Chieti)
(Giovanni Valente's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Biase IEZZI - married - Rosaria PANUMI

Husband and wife of the Comune of Guardiagrele, Distretto of Chieti, Circondario of Guardiagrele, Provincia of Abruzzo Citeriore; both were dead at the time of the death of their daughter Serafina (30 JUL 1801).

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1826, Processetti 15, Page numbered 131]

[Note: Indexes to the year 1826 in the Civil Register of Guardiagrele (CH) list the name IEZZI, but not the name PANUMI.]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Serafina IEZZI
b. 1747
d. 30 JUL 1801 at Gambatesa
- married - Giuseppe PITETTI
b. 1747
d. 10 MAY 1803 at Gambatesa

* IEZZI Serafina

Birth: 1747  [1801-54]

Death: Serafina IZZI died 30 JUL 1801 at 17 hrs at her own house at Gambatesa, age 54, daughter qq.m Biase, and Rosaria PANUMI, spouses of Guardiagrele; wife di Guiseppe PUDETTI, both [ambedue] of Guardiagrele.  Died after being Confessed 26 JUL by D. Domenico SCOCCA, given Communion the same day by D. Domenico d'ALESANDRO, Extreme Unction 28 JUL by D. Ferdinando d'ALESANDRO, given la Benedizione in articolo di morte, attended by D. Francesco MASSIMO, and accompanied by clergy was buried at the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.  Death recorded by Saverio Arciprete Guglielmi at Defunti Book 9, al fol. 75 a t[erz].o.
  Copy made by Pasquale Arciprete de PASCHALE [his ink stamp].

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1826, Processetti 15, Page numbered 131]

The MACCHIAROLA Ancestors of
Giovanni VALENTE and Nunziata DiRENZO

All events at Gambatesa, Molise
(Giovanni Valente's Family Trees | Nunziata DiRenzo's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Saverio MACCHIAROLA - married - Diana di MICHELE

Husband and wife of Gambatesa; both were dead at the time of the death of their daughter Donata (20 AUG 1805).

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1826, Processetti 8, Page numbered 65

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

b. 1783
d. 20 AUG 1805
- married - Domenico di DOMENICA


Birth: 1783  [1805-22]

Death: 20 AUG 1805 at 21 hrs at the house of her husband Domenico di DOMENICA, age 22, daughter qq.m Saverio, and Diana de MICHELE, spouses of Gambatesa.  Died after being Confessed 20 AUG by D. Luigi d'ALESANDRO, given Communion the same day by D. Gio:Battista GUGLIELMI, given Extreme Unction by D. Ferdinando d'ALESANDRO, attended, and benedetta in articolo di morte by the same, and accompanied by clergy was buried at the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle.  Death recorded 23 AUG 1805 by Saverio Arciprete Guglielmi at Defunti Book 9, al fol. 113.
  Copy made by Pasquale Arcip.e de PASCHALE [his ink stamp].

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1826, Processetti 8, Page numbered 65]

The MARTELLI Ancestors of
Nunziata DiRENZO

All events at Gambatesa, Molise
(Nunziata DiRenzo's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Michele MARTELLI - married - Cecilia ZILEMMO

Both were dead at the time of the death of their son Domenico (9 AUG 1824), and died before 1809.

[Source: not found in Gambatesa Atti di morte or Processetti]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Domenico MARTELLI
b. 1752
d. 9 AUG 1824
- married - Francesca CURIALE
b. 1756
d. 17 OCT 1841

* MARTELLI Domenico

Birth: 1752  [1824-72]

Death: 9 AUG 1824 at 7 hrs at his own house, age 72, agricoltore, son qq.m Michele, agricoltore, and Cecilia ZILEMMO; husband di Francesca CURIALE.
  Reported to Vincenzo MACCHIAROLA, sindaco, 9 AUG 1824 at 12 hrs by: Giuseppe MASSA, 41, contadino, and Benedetto ALTIERI, 60, agricoltore.

In order to execute the law, the official of the Civil Register accompanied the reporters-of-the-death to view the deceased, and then wrote this atto down in the two registers.

[SIGNED] Vincenzo MACCHIAROLA, sind:co
Federico PASCALE, cancell.e

[Source: Gambatesa Morti 1824 #35]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Cecilia MARTELLI
b. 1792
d. 12 MAR 1841
23 DEC 1810 at the Casa comunale
Giuseppe Cleto FARINACCIO
b. 1784
d. 24 DEC 1849

* MARTELLI Cecilia

Birth: 1792  [1810-18]

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1810 #22]

Death: 12 MAR 1841 at 8 hrs at her own habitation, age 50, contadina, daughter q.m Domenico, contadino, and di Francesca CURIALE, wife di Giuseppe FARINACCIO, contadino.
  Reported to Riccardo BERARDINELLI, sindaco, 12 MAR 1841 at 13 hrs by: Domenico GUGLIELMI, 50, contadino, and Michele FANELLI, 56, contadino.

In order to execute the law, the official of the Civil Register accompanied the reporters-of-the-death to view the deceased, and then wrote this atto down in the two registers.

[SIGNED] Riccardo BERARDINELLI, sindaco
Federico PASCALE, cancelliere

Copy of Morti 1841 #26 made by Luigi PASCHALE, cancell:sost.o.

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1854, Processetti 8, Page numbered 4]

The di MAURO Ancestors of
Nunziata DiRENZO

All events at Gambatesa, Molise
(Nunziata DiRenzo's Family Trees | Italian-English Glossary)

* Cesare di MAURO - married - Lucrezia MARTELLI

Husband and wife of Gambatesa; both dead at the time of the death of their daughter Antonia (7 OCT 1781).

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1816, Processetti 19, Page numbered 125]

- THEIR CHILD (1 known) -

* Antonia di MAURO
b. 1713
d. 7 OCT 1781
- married - Nicola GENOVESE
b. 1705
d. 2 APR 1764

* di MAURO Antonia

Birth: 1713  [1781-68]

Death: 7 OCT 1781 at 20 hrs at her own house, age 68, daughter qq.m Cesare, and Lucrezia MARTELLI, spouses of Gambatesa.  Died after receiving the Sacraments of the Church, and accompanied by Sacerd.e D. Elisio ROTONDO was buried at St. Bartholomew the Apostle.  Recorded by Pasquale Arcip.e de RENZIS at Defunti Book 8, a fol. 52.
  Copy made by Pasquale Arcip.e de PASCHALE [his ink stamp].

[Source: Gambatesa Matrimoni 1816, Processetti 19, Page numbered 125]

The URL of this Web page: https://www.roangelo.net/valente/avifive.html
Last revised: 27 June 2007 : 2007-06-27 by Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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