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Map of Central Southern Italy showing the Places named in the Family Histories of the Web site roangelo.net
The two maps below show the location within Italy of the big map of central southern Italy farther below.
Traveler's Companions
These traveler's companions are intended to be used with the big map below, and therefore please open them in a separate browser window.
- Ancestors of Giovanni VALENTE (1887-1969) and Nunziata DiRENZO (1897-1983), spouses of Gambatesa, Italy, and Camden, New Jersey, back to 1690.
- Ancestors of Giuseppantonio IACOVELLI (1895-1929) of Gambatesa, Italy, back to the early 1700s.
- Ancestors of Donato Luciano ABIUSO (1906-1998) of Gambatesa, Italy, back to 1690.
- Ancestors of Raffaele ANGELILLO, later Ralph ANGELO, (1888-1965) of Sant'Angelo d'Alife, Italy; Bristol Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania; and Maple Shade, Camden County, New Jersey; back to the early 1700s.
Map of central southern Italy
Map Source: based on Italia: Motoring Map, Hallwag Berne, Switzerland (no date, but before 1970 when Piedimonte d'Alife became Piedimonte Matese, and before the creation of Lago di Occhito, the very large lake made by damming the Fortore River just northeast of Gambatesa in the late 1950s-60s, as shown on this road map of the southeastern corner of the Province of Campobasso).
List of the Places shown on this Map
- Alife
- Avellino
- Benevento
- Campobasso
- Capua
- Caserta
- Cassino
- Castelnuovo della Daunia
- Chieti
- Cuma (Cumae)
- Fara San Martino
- Foggia
- Fortore River
- Gambatesa
- Gildone
- Guardiagrele
- Isernia
- Jelsi
- Larino
- Lucera
- Maiella Mountains
- Matese Mountains
- Monacilioni
- Montecassino
- Montefusco
- Morcone
- Napoli (Naples)
- Pescara
- Piedimonte d'Alife (Matese)
- Pietracatella
- Pietramontecorvino
- Pompei
- Pozzuoli
- Raviscanina
- Riccia
- Roccabascerana
- San Marco dei Cavoti
- San Martino in Pensilis
- San Severo
- Santa Croce del Sannio
- Santa Maria Capua Vetere
- Sant'Angelo d'Alife
- Sant'Elia a Pianisi
- Scanno
- Sulmono
- Termoli
- Troia
- Tufara
- Venafro
- Vesuvio (Mount Vesuvius)
- Vinchiaturo
- Volturino
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Last revised: 3 October 2005 : 2005-10-03 by
Robert [Wesley] Angelo.

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